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compliances , itil , security

ISO 17999, 2700x and COBIT shorthand

February 19, 2010

The 27000 standard contains 11 security control clauses collectively containing a total of 39 main security categories and one introductory clause introducing risk assessment and treatment. 1. Security Policy (1); 2. Organizing Information Security (2); 3. Asset Management (2); 4. Human Resources Security (3); 5. Physical and Environmental Security (2); 6. Communications and Operations...

compliances , itil , security

ISO-17799 Overview

February 19, 2010

Complementary standards and guidelines where inspired by ISO17799, design to or supports the implementation of ISO17799: AS/NSZ-4360:2004, Risk Management Guidelines HB-231:2004, Information Security Risk Management Guidelines ISO-19011:1996, Guidelines for Management System Auditing PAS56:2003, Guide to Business Continuity Management ISO/TR-18044:2004, Information Security Incident Management ISO-GMITS:1996/2001 (Guidelines for the Management of...

compliances , data-center-soc-noc , information-rights-management

Data and Storage Considerations

February 18, 2010

Data Storage – Contents Storage Issues Magnetic Disks File Systems Remote File Access NFS, CIFS, DAFS Disk organizations JBOD, SBOD RAID Storage Virtualization Scatter/Gather Comparing the various RAID levels RAID Performance RAID Implementation Architectural options for storage virtualization Storage Architectures: DAS, SAN, NAS and iSCSI Integration of Fibre Channel...

compliances , security

Things in common with Risk Assessments

February 5, 2010

Vulnerability assessment has many things in common with risk assessment. Assessments are typically performed according to the following steps: · Cataloging assets and capabilities (resources) in a system · Assigning quantifiable value and importance to the resources · Identifying the vulnerabilities or potential threats to each resource · Mitigating or eliminating the...

compliances , information-rights-management , security

ISO-17799:2000 Overview

January 22, 2010

127 controls distributed within 10 categories Information security policy Organizational security Asset classification and control Personnel security Physical & environmental security Communication & operations management Access control System development & maintenance Business continuity management Compliance Uses a Plan/Do/Check/Act implementation and operation model that starts with a risk assessment to...

compliances , security

What’s new in ISO-17799:2005

January 21, 2010

Risk management where addressed only in part 2 document, the part 1 now includes a new chapter on ‘Risk Assessment and Treatment’ requirements ‘Asset classification and control’ evolve into a more holistic ‘Asset management’ approach ‘Personnel Security’ evolve into ‘Human resources security’ which now emphasis on what’s needed before,...

compliances , security

ISO-17799 Overview

January 20, 2010

BS7799 was created in 1999 as a two part document (standard + certification scheme) by the British Standards Institution (BSI) The standard portion was adopted and converted into an ISO standard in 2000 The certification scheme portions is still a BSI only standard and it’s latest revision is dated...


IT Service Management

January 19, 2010

Components of an IT Service Management service HelpDesk Service Level Management Service Catalog Metering Billing Chargeback https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

compliances , security

PCI Report on Compliance and Visa

January 17, 2010

PCI Compliance Validation. European Payment Council (EPC). Audits and Self-Assessments Network Scans Report on Compliance PCI Report on Compliance and Visa Level 1–3 Merchants Level 1 Merchants (via Acquirer) On-site PCI data security assessment completed by QSA Letter signed by a merchant officer Confirmation of report accuracy form completed...

compliances , security

IT Security Management

January 12, 2010

What is Security Management. A proactively discover and detect intrusive activities/vulnerabilities Provide real-time prevention Provide a multi-layered approach to intrusion defense (Host/Network) Integrate any event from the enterprise Collect, consolidate, and normalize events  across the enterprise Filter events, alert and notify personnel,  execute countermeasures Suppress meaningless data Correlate events...

compliances , networking , sample-it-spreadsheets

Sample Excel – CA – Spectrum Polling spreadsheet

January 4, 2010

Free – Document download Spectrum Polling Collection Spreadsheet https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

compliances , sample-it-spreadsheets , web-services

Sample Excel – Gartner Web Evaluation Tool

January 4, 2010

Free Excel document download Gartner Web Evaluation Tool: http://www.aworc.org/went2001/tracks/joint/all-tool-web-evaluation.xls https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

business , compliances

Mergers and Acquisitions and Open Source Issues

July 6, 2009

Author unknown… In mergers and acquisitions, open source issues have become a significant concern. Open source considerations may affect the representations, warranties, indemnities, value and structure of a merger or acquisition transaction. Typical documentation used to “paper” merger transactions may have to be modified to reflect open source issues....

business , compliances

How to pretend to be succesful in IT Today

July 1, 2009

Items to Consider Target Behaviors: Analysis and Problem Solving 1        Follows technical interrelated sets of complex issues without difficulty 2        Asks clarifying and shaping questions geared towards thoroughly assessing critical issues 3        Demonstrates creative and occasionally innovative approaches to information gathering within a structured framework 4        Able to enlist...

business , compliances , information-rights-management , security

Securing the confidentiality of PHI

March 8, 2009

PHI (Protected Health Information) requires passwords but…. a) Easy-to-guess passwords are one of the top ten threats to network security b) When passwords change often to improve security, users write them down, increasing the risk of a breach In addition, employers must block terminated staff from continued access to systems...

compliances , policies , security

Why should I bother with a Security Policy?

February 14, 2009

The image that most frequently comes to mind when discussing security is that of the great firewall standing guard at the opening to your network, fending off attacks from malevolent hackers. Although a firewall will play a crucial role, it is only a tool that should be part of...

compliances , information-rights-management , security , web-services

Identity Management Glossary of Terms

January 8, 2009

Acquisition device: The hardware used to acquire biometric samples. Acquisition device: The hardware/sensors used to acquire biometric samples. These would include finger sensors or readers, iris scanning devices, facial recognition cameras. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS): A system that compares a single fingerprint with a database of fingerprint images....

compliances , information-rights-management , security

Download Free – Data Research References

June 28, 2008

Excellent data references: Overview Architecture for Enterprise Data Warehouses Data Warehouse Documentation Roadmap Data Warehouse Database Reference Manual How Data Works We think this was an excellent site with excellent resources: http://www.datamgmt.com

compliances , security

PCI Carholder Information Security Program

June 11, 2008

Carholder Information Security Program. European Payment Council (EPC). Securing Visa Cardholder Data When customers offer their bankcard at the point of sale, over the Internet, on the phone, or through the mail, they want assurance that their account information is safe. That’s why Visa USA has instituted the Cardholder...

compliances , sample-it-spreadsheets , security , web-services

What is an Application Audit

May 7, 2008

What is an Application Audit Usually required to assess • Business risk• Internal control• Strong linkage to corporate governance and compliances such as SOX, PCI, HIPAA and GLBA It is an audit of a single application • Example: audit of an Excel spreadsheet with embedded macros It could also be an...

compliances , networking , security

Common Referenced Related Laws, Regulations, and Policies

January 11, 2008

The following Federal laws, directives, regulations provide guidance pertaining to the security automated information systems: Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law [PL] 93-579, United States Code [U.S.C.] 552A) Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.522) Paperwork Reduction Act of 1986 (44 U.S.C. 35) Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (PL...

compliances , security

Information Technology Requirements

December 21, 2007

The objectives of this activity are to: o Identify and document functional requirements related to potential systems, o Identify and document data requirements related to potential systems, o Identify and document technical requirements related to potential systems, o Identify and document integration requirements related to potential systems, o Identify and document communications requirements...

compliances , networking , policies , security

Cellular / Mobile Standards History

November 17, 2007

Cellular / Mobile Standards History 0G MTS (1946 – US, Bell System) IMTS (1969 – US, Bell System) OLT (1966 – Norway) AMTS (Japan) ARP (1971 – Finland) MTD (1971 – Sweden) 1G 1G cell phone technology encompassed analog standards introduced in the 1980s and continued until replaced by...

compliances , security

Database Mirroring Best Practices

November 2, 2007

Free document download (Raid overview) Database Mirroring Best Practices

compliances , itil , security

ITIL Request Management Benefits

November 2, 2007

Goals: Increase productivity Enforce business rules Provide automation where possible Provide audit trail De-provisioning and re-provisioning appropriate assets Change Order Management Workflow Tasks Individual assignment and notification Track cost & time Often used by: IT HR Facilities Request / Incident / Problem Management Overview / benefits: Request for Change...
