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business , compliances

Mergers and Acquisitions and Open Source Issues

July 6, 2009

Author unknown… In mergers and acquisitions, open source issues have become a significant concern. Open source considerations may affect the representations, warranties, indemnities, value and structure of a merger or acquisition transaction. Typical documentation used to “paper” merger transactions may have to be modified to reflect open source issues....

business , compliances

How to pretend to be succesful in IT Today

July 1, 2009

Items to Consider Target Behaviors: Analysis and Problem Solving 1        Follows technical interrelated sets of complex issues without difficulty 2        Asks clarifying and shaping questions geared towards thoroughly assessing critical issues 3        Demonstrates creative and occasionally innovative approaches to information gathering within a structured framework 4        Able to enlist...


Building Mission & Vision Statements

April 25, 2009

Mission statements are defining statements for an organization. An organization exists to accomplish its mission. The mission statement typically defines: o The business of the organization, o The product of the organization, o The customers of the organization. When stating the mission of the organization, focus outside of the...


Download Tons of free miscellanious Research Documents

April 15, 2009

Download all files here: All_PPTs.zip 101 Security.ppt As time permits this list of files will increase in content 2000 Accounts.ppt 8021x simplified.ppt Administration of a Windows 2000 Network.ppt Advanced Windows NT Security.ppt Application Support with MSI.ppt Business Data Communications and Networking.ppt Communications Decency Act.doc COPPA.ppt Distributed File System.ppt Distributed Firewall Architecture.ppt...

business , o-s , security

Legacy IE Browser Settings

April 11, 2009

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Advanced Properties Tab – within Internet Options (the ones that are checked) Browsing Always send URLs as UTF-8 Close unused folders in History and Favorites Disable script debugging Enable folder view for FTP sites Enable Install On Demand Enable Offline items to be synchronized on...

business , security

Unhappy employees Risk Factors

April 10, 2009

Employees are a greater risk to computer-security for companies than the much-feared hacker, and experts say. Eight in 10 computer-security breaches are caused by staff members, many of whom are simply disgruntled, says a risk consultant Eighty per cent of IT security breaches are the result of actions by...

business , security

Are you the Next Target?

March 12, 2009

They’re after you, who are they? Competitors Disgruntled employees Upset customers Hackers out for a lark  Hactivists Cartels that can buy the latest gadgets and best brainpower Hostile foreign governments / nations Your organization may not be a specific target, just on that had a few vulnerabilities as it...

business , compliances , information-rights-management , security

Securing the confidentiality of PHI

March 8, 2009

PHI (Protected Health Information) requires passwords but…. a) Easy-to-guess passwords are one of the top ten threats to network security b) When passwords change often to improve security, users write them down, increasing the risk of a breach In addition, employers must block terminated staff from continued access to systems...

business , security

What CEO’s need to be concerned about

January 20, 2009

Security Internet / External Shortage of key skills Industry consolidation Changes in type/level of competition Impact of the Internet Downward pressure prices Environment, health, and safety issues Change in supply/distribution systems Access to / cost of capital Changing technology Regulatory issues (labor, market access, etc) Effect of corruption Currency...

business , networking , security

Liability of Internetwork Carriers

January 10, 2009

The Internet is undergoing a rapid transition.  Two key, interrelated trends are easily discerned.  First, commercial traffic is now being carried on and across many networks.  Second, many networks are being operated more like businesses than research experiments.  New entities have been created as profit-seeking enterprises.   In this environment,...


Download Excellent references and links

October 9, 2008

Downdload this file it has links and references that don’t display well in this Wordpress Article. Download here.  https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples/
