SAML Integration: Single Sign-On (SSO) for Cloud Apps

The user enters the URL to access the on-premises application through Application Proxy. Application Proxy redirects the request to Azure AD authentication services to preauthenticate. At this point, Azure AD applies any applicable authentication and authorization policies, such as multifactor authentication. If the user is validated, Azure AD creates a token and sends it to… Continue reading SAML Integration: Single Sign-On (SSO) for Cloud Apps

Sample – Secure Configuration Policy

Introduction The purpose of this policy is to establish standards for the base configuration of internal server equipment that is owned and/or operated by Corporate. Effective implementation of this policy will minimize unauthorized access to corporate proprietary information and technology. Scope This policy applies to server equipment owned and/or operated by Corporate, and to servers… Continue reading Sample – Secure Configuration Policy

Sample – Corporate Implementation Services

Policy Executive Summary Corporate recognizes the importance of adherence to policies and procedures when implementing new customer projects. In an effort to mitigate both the corporate risk as well Customer risk this Implementation Policy has been developed. The policy will serve as the implementation guidelines which will be utilized to support all new customer implementation… Continue reading Sample – Corporate Implementation Services

Sample – Media Handling Policy

Introduction The purpose of this policy is to ensure all electronic information and licensed software are properly removed when disposing of computers with hard drives. A large volume of electronic information is stored on computer hard disk and other electronic media throughout Corporate. Much of this information is sensitive to disclosure due to its confidentiality.… Continue reading Sample – Media Handling Policy

Sample – OS Hardening Guidelines

OS Hardening is the process of carefully considering the configuration of the underlying Operating Systems in order to reduce the security risk. To minimize the exposure of possible vulnerabilities, there are a variety of OS-specific installation, configuration options and parameters to consider. The desired outcome is to reduce the chances of a system compromise. Operating… Continue reading Sample – OS Hardening Guidelines

Sample – Administering Anti-Virus Software Policy

Introduction The purpose of this policy is to describe how the Windows anti-virus software is configured to monitor virus activity in order to detect and prevent transmission of data or files that contain certain virus signatures. It also describes how the Exchange / SMTP anti-virus software is configured to monitor mail-related traffic to detect and… Continue reading Sample – Administering Anti-Virus Software Policy

Sample – Encryption Policy

Introduction The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance that limits the use of encryption to those algorithms that have received substantial public review and have been proven to work effectively. Additionally, this policy provides direction to ensure Federal regulations are followed, and legal authority is granted for the dissemination and use of encryption… Continue reading Sample – Encryption Policy

Sample – Administering Anti-Virus Software Policy

Introduction The purpose of this policy is to describe how the Windows anti-virus software is configured to monitor virus activity in order to detect and prevent transmission of data or files that contain certain virus signatures. It also describes how the Exchange / SMTP anti-virus software is configured to monitor mail-related traffic to detect and… Continue reading Sample – Administering Anti-Virus Software Policy

Sample Visio – The Risk Management Process

Sample Visio download The Risk Management Process

Sample – Corporate Implementation Services

Policy Executive Summary Corporate recognizes the importance of adherence to policies and procedures when implementing new customer projects. In an effort to mitigate both the Corporate risk as well Customer risk this Implementation Policy has been developed. The policy will serve as the implementation guidelines which will be utilized to support all new customer implementation… Continue reading Sample – Corporate Implementation Services

Sample Visio – OS Hardening Process Workflow

Sample Visio OS Hardening Process Workflow Some of the independent resources available include: Center for Internet Security (CIS): National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): National Security Agency (NSA):

Standard Information Gathering (SIG)

Browse thousands of our document samples There are four phases respectively to (SIG): Planning, Assessment, Treatment, And Accreditation. Each of these phases has specific work packages that are generic to all organizations regardless of their size, their specific key result areas, and their geographical siting. Through the sequencing of their respective work packages, these… Continue reading Standard Information Gathering (SIG)

Sample Visio – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back office functions related to technology, services and human resources.

Sample Privileged Access Management Certification

SOX PAM Certification 2019 SOX privileged access consists all certification related to privileged access for applications, databases and infrastructure Bank SOX certification – runs annually and performs by M S S P Branch SOX certification – is part of the PAM certification and runs quarterly by McAfee M S S P define what are SOX… Continue reading Sample Privileged Access Management Certification