IT Strategy and Technology

Becoming customer-centric starts with Strategy and is supported with Technology Enablers.  Technology is a means to an end.  Not an end in itself. Strategy and objectives identification. What is our overall mission? The value proposition? Marketing strategy? How will loyalty models be utilized or trigger-based marketing? Develop the customer and business metrics and establish benchmarks… Continue reading IT Strategy and Technology

Service Oriented Architecture

Enterprise IT infrastructure today consists of what are generally referred to as “silos”, or “stovepipes”. An effective approach to achieving integration and enabling the rapid development of new business offerings is to interpose a “services tier” between client devices and back-end resources. Through this approach, back-end resource functionality is made available via well-defined, network-callable components.… Continue reading Service Oriented Architecture

Sample Visio – Useful Windows Netstat Diagnostics

rem echo Who is listening? rem netstat -an |find /i “listening” rem rem echo Who is established? rem netstat -an |find /i “established” rem rem echo Save to a text filer rem netstat -an |find /i “listening” > c:openports.txt rem netstat -ao |find “ntp” Sample visio diagram: Network Logical Firewall.vsd

Backup, Failover and Redundancy Considerations

Sample considerations Backup, failover and redundancy services are usually designed to offer cost effective solutions to help increase data availability and protect information from accidental loss or destruction. Backup encryption – all data is stored on disk using AES-256 encryption. Backup – Full and incremental data backups, weekly and full archive logs backups daily. Disk… Continue reading Backup, Failover and Redundancy Considerations

Symantec Veritas – Storage Migrator Process Unix Clients and Unix Storage Migrator (SM) Server

Benefits:  Able to increase the amount of available disk space by moving old, unused data to tape. Will decrease the amount of data needed to be backed up. Basically transparent to the end user. Automated, based on pre-determined criteria.  Disadvantages:  It is Unix only. There are a few minute delays when pulling files from tape… Continue reading Symantec Veritas – Storage Migrator Process Unix Clients and Unix Storage Migrator (SM) Server

NetApp Storage Virtualization & Archive Service Cost Comparison

It is estimated that 40-50% of data residing on Tier 1 NAS filers located at the Units is inactive and rarely accessed.  Moving inactive data to less expensive storage will reduce disk storage costs and free existing Tier1 storage for growth of more-active data. Based on Performance, Security and Cost the choice of Acopia appears… Continue reading NetApp Storage Virtualization & Archive Service Cost Comparison

Encryption and Common Managed Security Service Recommendations

High level approach to encryption: Encryption of archival data – Tape Encryption Recommend hardware-based encryption for all backup tapes Utilize central automated tape management and key management solution, such as Tivoli (TKMS) with appropriate tape hardware Encryption of data at rest – NAS Encryption Not recommended to encrypt entire NAS storage due to implementation and… Continue reading Encryption and Common Managed Security Service Recommendations

Symantec Veritas – Storage Migrator

Symantec (Veritas) Storage Migrator – UNIX, currently at version 6.5 Description: Storage Migrator is a hierarchical storage management (HSM) product for distributed systems.  It can increase the amount of file space available to users by migrating files to secondary storage as space is needed in the local file system.  When a user accesses a migrated… Continue reading Symantec Veritas – Storage Migrator

Sample – NAS Storage Virtualization & Archiving Service Process

Storage Systems is a service to archive data stored on NAS disk filers at Company Business Units.  This service will reduce disk storage costs by moving inactive or infrequently-accessed data to less expensive disk storage and tape backups located at the IDN (Internal Data Network).  NAS (Network-attached storage) Storage Virtualization & Archiving Service  There are… Continue reading Sample – NAS Storage Virtualization & Archiving Service Process

CipherOptics – CipherEngine Functional Specification

CEP functional specification: The CipherOptics line of encryptors operate as a Bump in the Wire (BITW). This translates to the encryptor being transparent to the network and applications – no performance impact.  The CEP neither routes nor switches traffic. It checks each packet received against policy and takes the appropriate action – encrypt, bypass, or… Continue reading CipherOptics – CipherEngine Functional Specification

Sample Excel – Enterprise Policies Standards Tracking Spreadsheet

Free – Excel document download Enterprise Policies Standards Tracking Spreadsheet

Stepped Security Methodology

1) Project Initiation – The project is setup in this phase.  A project manager is assigned, the project scope is clearly identified, the project organization is established, and an initial project plan is drafted.  2) Discover – This is the most critical of all phases.  During this phase, the business and technical requirements are identified. Because… Continue reading Stepped Security Methodology