The Forgotten Five: What Your SLA Does Not Cover

Originally Published on, 12 June 2000 The ‘all-inclusive’ service level agreement (SLA) does not exist. ‘Outs’ always exist for vendors when services provided fall below contractually stipulated levels. Customers, enraged at the fact that their SLA does not protect them against everything, blame providers for poor service and ‘unfair’ SLAs. Customers often forget that… Continue reading The Forgotten Five: What Your SLA Does Not Cover

Registry Key Quick Reference

Hkey_Classes_Root              This key displays information about OLE and associated mappings to support drag-and-drop operations. Hkey_Current_User            This points to a branch of Hkey_Users for the currently logged on user. Hkey_Local_Machine          This contains computer specific information including installed hardware and software. This is the one I tend to spend the most time in. Hkey_Users                           This contains information… Continue reading Registry Key Quick Reference

Windows Registry Key Quick Reference

Hkey_Classes_Root This key displays information about OLE and associated mappings to support drag-and-drop operations. Hkey_Current_User This points to a branch of Hkey_Users for the currently logged on user. Hkey_Local_Machine This contains computer specific information including installed hardware and software. This is the one I tend to spend the most time in. Hkey_Users This contains information… Continue reading Windows Registry Key Quick Reference

Encryption Considerations

At a minimum, it should include management acceptance of the solution and approval to proceed to a production state (e.g., management accreditation). o Complete informal or formal management accreditation of the encryption solution (i.e., acceptance of the solution) and obtain approval to operate o If appropriate, perform data re-alignment activities that were not possible prior to implementation… Continue reading Encryption Considerations

Personnel Security Suggestions

Organizations should develop, document, and implement policies and procedures for the selection, orientation, and supervision of employees and contractors who have access to IT resources. The objective is to ensure that a high level of integrity and satisfactory staff conduct is achieved and maintained, and to promote an awareness of security matters. The following are… Continue reading Personnel Security Suggestions

Business Risk Impact

Risk is based on a systematic examination of assets, threats, and vulnerabilities that provides the foundation for the development of an appropriate IT Security Program.  Adequate risk analysis is the key to determining the level of protection required for all computing assets such as networks, applications, systems, facilities and other enterprise assets.  A risk analysis… Continue reading Business Risk Impact

Best Practices – Servers (Windows, Unix, AIX, etc…)

Physical Security Secure location or Server room. Server room locked. Server room with adequate, conditioned power. Server room with air conditioning. Server room with adequate ventilation. Services Unused default services removed. Known OS vulnerabilities are current and protected. Current patches and upgrades loaded and tested. Audit logs enabled. Access Privileges Only privileges necessary to the… Continue reading Best Practices – Servers (Windows, Unix, AIX, etc…)

Client Security Best Practices

Unattended workstations Security policy requires logoff when unattended. Automatically disconnect user after period of inactivity. Require users to power off after hours. Locally stored data Security policy defines data that can be stored locally. Security policy addresses back up of locally stored data. Anti-virus software installed and current. Anti-virus policy in place. Sensitive data encrypted.… Continue reading Client Security Best Practices

Common Security reference NIST Guidelines

800-70, The NIST Security Configuration Checklists Program 800-68, Draft NIST Special Publication 800-68, Guidance for Securing Microsoft Windows XP Systems for IT Professionals: A NIST Security Configuration Checklist, 2004 800-65, Integrating Security into the Capital Planning and Investment Control Process, 2005 800-64, Security Considerations in the Information System Development Life Cycle, 2004 800-61, Computer Security… Continue reading Common Security reference NIST Guidelines

Desktop Virtualization XP, Vista, Windows PC Alternatives

There are many choices these day’s for your desktop solitions below a matrix that gives you more to consider especially related to virtualization.  Free Virtualization document download.  Desktop Virtualization Function Traditional PC SMC Thin Client Server Virtualization Video/Audio performance same as traditional PC  Yes Yes No No Peripherals compatibility with traditional PC  Yes Yes No… Continue reading Desktop Virtualization XP, Vista, Windows PC Alternatives

Role Based Access Controls – SUDO suggestions

Sudo: A Unix command enabling accounting for root actions Sudo (superuser do) intends to replace su; it allows certain users (or groups of users) to run some (or all) commands as root while logging all commands and arguments. Create appropriate Web, Application and Service dedicated Groups to sandbox priveleges. Create such groups as: Apace_Web_Admin TomCate_Web_Admin ColdFusion_Web_Admin… Continue reading Role Based Access Controls – SUDO suggestions

Imperva – Port Usage

Imperva – Port Usage Port Protocol Description 443 TCP HTTPS – Web console 80 TCP HTTPS – Imperva Update Server 22 TCP SSH – Remote Management 8083 TCP Proxy – Appliance Agent communications 53 UDP DNS Server 123 UDP NTP Server 514 UDP Syslog Server 162 UDP SNMP Trap Server 25 TCP SMTP Server

IBM Guardium Appliance Port Usage

IBM Guardium Appliance port usage Database Server to Collector Appliance: Port Protocol Description 16016 TCP Linux/UNIX only, both directions, STAP (the probe installed on the database servers) registration, heartbeat, & data 16018 TCP Encrypted:Linux/UNIX only, both directions, STAP registration, heartbeat, & data 8075 UDP Windows only, both directions, STAP heartbeat 9500 TCP Windows only, DB… Continue reading IBM Guardium Appliance Port Usage

Suggested Security Architecture Overview

The security architecture is the layout and design of hardware employed to protect private networks. Best practices dictate that the architecture of a private network linked to the internet be divided by four distinct barriers: front – end firewall, proxy server, web server and back-end-firewall. These barriers are ordered from outside internet access through each… Continue reading Suggested Security Architecture Overview