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compliances , firewalls , security


February 7, 2012

Firewalls: In this section we will take a look at the 3 basic types of firewalls – packet filters, proxy firewalls and the stateful inspection firewalls – and will look at the pros and cons of each. Packet filters: These are basically screening routers that control the flow of...

compliances , security

Seizing and Searching Computers and Computer Data

February 7, 2012

With the explosion of computers and technology, investigators of all types are more often faced with analyzing computer-generated and/or maintained information relevant to their cases.  The U.S. Department of Justice has issued as guidance to prosecutors and agents “Federal Guidelines for Searching and Seizing Computers”.  These guidelines are the...

compliances , policies , security

Sample – Computer Systems Privacy Policy

February 7, 2012

For the protection of corporate, it’s employees and clients. Employee Privacy Corporate may collect, process, store and disseminate only that information regarding its employees which is necessary for the proper functioning of its business. Before corporate employees collect private information about workers, customers, or other people, the need for...

business , compliances , security

Privacy Policy Development

February 7, 2012

Understanding Privacy Issues Privacy policies help companies build and sustain their customers’ trust. The development of an internal and external privacy policy is essential to increasing consumer confidence and sustaining long-term relationships. A privacy policy creates an outward commitment with respect to the protection of personally identifiable information. This...

compliances , policies , security

Information Ownership Policy

February 6, 2012

New Centrality Of Information: Information is no longer simply something, which supports the provision of a product or service.  Information itself has become the product or service that many businesses like “Corporate” provide.  The new centrality of information necessitates the establishment of new roles and responsibilities to properly manage...

compliances , policies , security

Simple – External Party Information Disclosure Policy

February 6, 2012

Determining if Disclosure is Appropriate Duty to take special care: To the extent required to perform their job duties, workers are given access to “Corporate” restricted internal information.  Proper protection of this information is essential if the interests of not only “Corporate”, but also customers and business partners, are...

business , compliances , o-s , security

Sample – Estimated effort and cost to Patch 1000 Physical / Virtual Servers

February 6, 2012

Estimates and costs may vary. www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , o-s , security

Sample – Estimated effort and cost to Patch 100 servers

February 6, 2012

Estimates and costs may vary. www.bestitdocuments.com

application , business , o-s , security

OS Patch Management Challenges Today

February 6, 2012

Patch Management Challenges Today, all of the assets that have to be analyzed for risk, prioritized and approach. www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , itil , security

Sample – ITIL Risk Assessment Strategy Vision

February 5, 2012

Visual representation of Risk and the impact of Assets. You fill in the gaps… www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , security

Limitations of Type I SAS 70

February 5, 2012

A Type II report will perform testing to determine that 1)      the description presents fairly the controls that have been placed in operation; 2)      the controls were suitably designed to achieve the control objectives; 3)      the controls were operating effectively Could result in a Qualified Opinion if the description...

compliances , security

Regulations Touches Everyone

February 5, 2012

Implications Regulations affect everyone Non-regulated still implies best practices No one-stop solutions Real time alerting a vital component of compliance Customers are looking for real-time help on the mainframe Legislative Background Fourth Amendment FCA Title III FISA ECPA CALEA Digital Privacy Act of 2000 Electronic Privacy Act of 2000...

compliances , security

SAS70 Overview

February 5, 2012

What is Risk Management? The process of analyzing information technology, financial, and operational risks and implementing solutions to reduce or eliminate exposures in a cost effective manner. Information technology is broadly defined to include all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various...

business , compliances , security

Women’s Health & Cancer Rights Act of 1998

February 5, 2012

Plan Requirements Provides medical and surgical benefits with respect to a mastectomy shall provide coverage for:               – Reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy is performed               – Surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance               – Prosthesis and physical complications for all...

business , compliances , security

Network – Wide Reporting Suggestions

February 5, 2012

Security reports need to contain data for the enterprise, not just a server or a few servers.  This is crucial in determining the true security health of the organization.  Network-wide reporting allows management to understand the current strengths and weaknesses in the security policies incorporated across the company.  If...

business , compliances , security

Countermeasures Based on Security Policy and Accountability

February 5, 2012

Briefly discuss the protection mechanisms available in the system that help to counter threats described in the above narrative.  This narrative should serve as a summary of the protection philosophy used in the design and implementation of the protection mechanisms.  Physical Security Assumptions (1)   Provide narrative, which states what...

compliances , security

Sample Word – Service Assessment Security SOW

February 5, 2012

Free Word document download Service Assessment Security SOW www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , networking , security

How Security Weaknesses Can Impact Business

February 5, 2012

Organizations are continually trying to find ways to justify the need for their security programs. This has always been a challenging task for security departments since budget decision makers want to know the justification and/or the return-on-investment (ROI).  It becomes an even more difficult issue if nothing bad happens. ...

security , visio-stencils , web-services

Sample Visio – Web Commerce Logical Portal View

February 5, 2012

Possible technology flows for merchant payment options Free – Visio Document download Web Commerce Logical Portal View www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , security

One view of a Penetration Test in a Data Network

February 4, 2012

Introduction The digital world does not differ almost in anything from the real world, is defined as the reflection on which it is lived nowadays, it is as well as it is due to begin to visualize the concept of computer science security and of the areas associated to...

application , business , compliances , security

OSI 7498-2 Security Reference Model Function Layers

February 4, 2012

OSI Layers OSI 7498-1 Network Model Description OSI 7498-2 Security Service 1 The Physical Layer contains the data represented as electronic bits. Data travels over a physical medium using specific transmission devices and media. Connection Confidentiality, Traffic Flow Confidentiality 2 The Data Link Layer organizes electronic bits into logical...

compliances , networking , security

PowerPoint – Assessing Network Defense

February 4, 2012

Free PowerPoint document download A Business Case Approach www.bestitdocuments.com

compliances , networking , security

PowerPoint – Risk Assessment Planning Overview

February 4, 2012

Free PowerPoint document download Risk Assessment Planning Overview www.bestitdocuments.com

compliances , security

PowerPoint – Security Environment Assessments

February 4, 2012

Free PowerPoint document download Security Environment Assessment www.bestitdocuments.com

compliances , networking , security

PowerPoint – Security Standards and Threat Evaluation

February 4, 2012

Free PowerPoint document download Security Standards and Threat Evaluation www.bestitdocuments.com

compliances , itil , security

Sample – ITIL Incident Management / Change Control Initiation Slide Deck

February 4, 2012

Free – PowerPoint Document download ITIL Incident Management / Change Control Initiation

business , compliances , networking , security

Sample – Security Engineering Security Posture Assessment Proposal

February 4, 2012

Statement of Work Executive Summary ‘Client’ submits this proposal to perform a Security Posture Assessment for: The comprehensive security effort by ‘Client’ personnel from various locations and ‘Client’ Managed Security Solutions (MSS) Alliance Partner will provide: A preliminary assessment of the current security posture of the Sample-1 web site...

application , business , compliances , networking , o-s , security

Audit is Managing Client Expectations

February 4, 2012

There are 6 basic entry points into any network: Through a firewall / DMZ Usually a single IP address or perhaps a couple but it is not too difficult to launch an audit against these targets. Most audits reveal issues related to the OS, Services running, and Web Servers...

business , compliances , o-s , security

Sample – Windows Services Suggestions

February 4, 2012

 Free – Document download Windows Services Suggestions

o-s , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

Sample Excel – Windows Migration Planning spreadsheet

February 3, 2012

Free – Document download Windows Migration Planning spreadsheet www.bestitdocuments.com

business , networking , security

Sample – Host Intrusion Prevention Architecture (HIPA)

February 3, 2012

