Our documents are based on successfully executed projects which save you time and money.

Financial Risk Assessment

April 30, 2011

Introduction Risk Assessment can be viewed through a variety of lenses in a wide spectrum of situations with multiple criteria used in the evaluation. Information Technologies is a situation with multiple, possible, criteria for Risk Assessment (hereafter referred to as “RA”). To narrow this wide ranging criteria for assessment,...


Sample Word – Sample NCUA RFP

April 29, 2011

Free Word document download Sample_NCUA_RFP www.bestitdocuments.com



April 29, 2011



Credit Union References

April 28, 2011

Letters To Credit Unions · 03-CU-08 Weblinking: Identifying Risks & Risk Management Techniques · 03-CU-03 Wireless Technology · 02-CU-13 Vendor Information Systems & Technology Reviews – Summary Results · 02-CU-12 Security Program · 02-CU-08 Account Aggregation Services · 02-CU-02 NCUA’s Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Examination Program · 02-FCU-11 Tips to Safely Conduct Financial Transactions...


FISMA Compliance

April 20, 2011

FISMA Compliance Reference


Sample Word – Documentation Requirements of ISO 9001:2000

April 8, 2011

 Free Word document download Documentation Requirements of ISO 9001:2000 www.bestitdocuments.com


Documentation Requirements of ISO 9001:2000

April 8, 2011

  Documentation Requirements of ISO 9001:2000


Sample – Quality System Assessment

April 8, 2011

  Sample – Quality System Assessment


Word Sample – Quality System Assessment

April 8, 2011

Free Word document download Sample – Quality System Assessment www.bestitdocuments.com

compliances , security , visio-stencils

Sample Visio – Common Middleware Infrastructure

April 8, 2011

Free Visio document download Sample Visio Common Middleware Infrastructure www.bestitdocuments.com

compliances , sample-it-spreadsheets

Free Word Document downloads – Leadership (29 Word documents)

April 6, 2011

Free Document downloads Leadership www.bestitdocuments.com


ISO17799 Maturity Powerpoint

April 6, 2011


compliances , sample-it-spreadsheets

Powerpoint – ISO17799 Maturity

April 2, 2011

Free PowerPoint document download ISO17799_Maturity.ppt www.bestitdocuments.com

compliances , visio-stencils

Sample Visio – Documentum drawing

March 31, 2011

Free sample VMWare Visio Download Documentum.vsd www.bestitdocuments.com


Encryption Considerations

March 29, 2011

At a minimum, it should include management acceptance of the solution and approval to proceed to a production state (e.g., management accreditation). o Complete informal or formal management accreditation of the encryption solution (i.e., acceptance of the solution) and obtain approval to operate o If appropriate, perform data re-alignment activities that...


Understand Confidentiality Drivers

March 27, 2011

Understanding the reasons for pursuing an encryption strategy is important from the outset. Failure to capture the full set of drivers can result in an inadequate and/or unusable solution. · Identify all relevant regulatory obligations that impact data security and data privacy: o Sarbanes-Oxley, o HIPAA, o Payment Card Industry Data...


Personnel Security Suggestions

March 26, 2011

Organizations should develop, document, and implement policies and procedures for the selection, orientation, and supervision of employees and contractors who have access to IT resources. The objective is to ensure that a high level of integrity and satisfactory staff conduct is achieved and maintained, and to promote an awareness...

application , compliances , networking , security , web-services


March 22, 2011

Issues and suggested remediation: ISSUE Explanation 6.5.1: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Testing of parameters before inclusion. 6.5.2: Injection Flaws Testing of input to verify user data cannot modify meaning of commands and queries. 6.5.3: Malicious File Execution Validate input to verify application does not accept filenames or files from...


Overview of NHS Guidance

March 21, 2011

Confidentiality: NHS Code of Practice This code of practice provides detailed guidance for NHS bodies concerning confidentiality and patient’s consent to use their health information. It also details the required practice the NHS must follow concerning security, identifying the main legal responsibilities for an organization and also details employee’s...

compliances , policies

List of Applicable Policies, Laws, and Standards

March 20, 2011

The law, regulations, polices, and guidelines that affect the system include: U.S. Congress – Public Law (PL) and United States Code (U.S.C) PL 107-347 Section III, Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002, 2002 PL 107-305, Cyber Security Research and Development Act of 2002 PL 96-456, Classified Information...


Common Security reference NIST Guidelines

March 19, 2011

800-70, The NIST Security Configuration Checklists Program 800-68, Draft NIST Special Publication 800-68, Guidance for Securing Microsoft Windows XP Systems for IT Professionals: A NIST Security Configuration Checklist, 2004 800-65, Integrating Security into the Capital Planning and Investment Control Process, 2005 800-64, Security Considerations in the Information System Development...

compliances , sample-it-spreadsheets

Sample Excel – HIPAA Vendor Product Vendor selection – Criteria

March 14, 2011

Free Excel document download Sample HIPAA Vendor Product Vendor selection – Criteria Inventory Matrix for Personal Health Records.xls https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

application , compliances , networking , security , web-services

Sample Web Content Filtering Catagories

February 14, 2011

Filtering – Catagories Advertisement This category is a list of servers used for ad banners and other forms of advertising. Examples: Accept, DoubleClick, Just Web Ads. Arts & Entertainment This category contains media sites that promote and provide information about television, movies, music, and video, broadcasting firms and technologies,...

compliances , networking

Network categories of System Monitoring

January 5, 2011

Monitoring System Configuration Changes This category includes monitoring for changes in hardware and software configurations that can be caused by an operating system upgrade, patches applied to the system, changes to kernel parameters, or the installation of a new software application. The root cause of system problems can often...

application , compliances , networking , security , web-services

Web Server Security Guidelines

January 2, 2011

A web server is a program, which listens for http requests on a TCP/IP port (normally either port 80 or port 443) and serves html pages in response. There are several web servers currently in the market. The most popular are: Apache SunONE Internet Information Server (IIS 6/7/8) NCSA...


Sample Change Management Perspective

December 20, 2010

Any project with the scope of an IT implementation will introduce change into an organization, and you need to use this opportunity to review existing processes, and adopt best practices where they provide benefit and can be implemented with reasonable effort. These kinds of changes can impact both individuals...


Questions for: Configuration Management and change control

December 12, 2010

Does the configuration management plan address identification, status accounting and audit? Does the configuration management plan address the configuration of all system and configuration items? Is the configuration management integrated into the structure of an organization? Is there version control of all configuration items? Is configuration management and version...

compliances , policies , sample-it-spreadsheets

Sample Excel – Comparison Between Old and Revised ISO 17799 Standards

December 4, 2010

Free – Excel document download An Excellent comparison excel matrix. www.bestitdocuments.com


Sanctions for Regulatory Non-Compliance

August 21, 2010

There are penalties for stakeholders; CISO is liable. The first column indicates when the year when the regulation came into existence The next column shows the fine the maximum fine.  As you can see, there are some hefty fines associated with non-compliance. This is driving behaviour. The next column...


Cross Industry Document Retention

August 15, 2010

Banking – FDIC/OCC Brokerage – SEC Rule 17a3 and 17a4 Telecom – Title 47, Part 42 Pharmaceutical – FDA Title 21, Part 11 Healthcare – HIPAA Defense – DOD 5015.2 Standard All publicly held – Sarbanes Oxley Act There is a renewed focus of these retention requirements have documented...


Caring for Archives

May 31, 2010

Physical maintenance of the records All metal paper clips, rusting staples, and rubber bands should be removed. Documents should be in containers that prevent dust from entering Large items should be stored flat. The ideal storage area for records: Amenable to consistent environmental control (temperature and humidity) No water...
