Our documents are based on successfully executed projects which save you time and money.

COBIT: An IT Control Framework

November 24, 2012

COBIT developments add a management and governance layer, providing management with a toolbox containing: Performance measurement elements (outcome measures and performance drivers for all IT processes)  A list of critical success factors that provides succinct non-technical best practices for each IT process  A maturity model to assist in bench-marking...

business , compliances , security

Sample Word – Dental Procedures and Dental Office Overview – Part 3 of 5

November 24, 2012

Free Dental, document Download Dental Procedures and Dental Office Overview

business , compliances , security

Sample Word – Dental – Imaging Software and Databases

November 23, 2012

Free Dental, document Download  Dental – Imaging Software and Databases


Sample Word – Dental Procedures and Dental Office Overview – Part 2 of 5

November 22, 2012

Free Word Dental, document Download Dental Vendors and Insurance Companies


Sample Word – Dental Practice Management Systems – Web Reviews

November 21, 2012

Free Document download Dental Practice Management Systems – Web Reviews

business , security

Dental Procedures and Dental Office Overview – Part 1 of 5

November 19, 2012

General Dentist – (70 to 80 percent of the professions) Crowns, Bridges, Fillings, Veneers, Root Canals, General Extractions, Limited Implants (most don’t by Oral Surgeons and Periodontist) Above the gum line tooth work. Hygienist Almost work exclusively for General Dentists Teeth cleanings for General Dentists Periodontal charting (measured in...

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Perimeter Security

November 18, 2012

Free Perimeter Security Document download. Perimeter Security www.bestitdocuments.com

business , security

Administrative Policies vs. Technical Policies

November 16, 2012

Technical security policies describe how technology should be configured and used, and administrative security policies describe how people (end-users and management) should behave. The intended security rules for technology systems and data should be explicitly described in technical security policies. Technical security policies describe a rule or regulation pertaining...

business , security

Sample Word – Assessment Catagorized Risk Representation

October 19, 2012

A security assessment is a comprehensive risk assessment of I.T. vulnerabilities throughout an organization.  This includes network infrastructure components such as data servers, workstations, networks, firewalls and routers.   Most sites do not have enough skilled resources as it is to complete day-to-day I.T. tasks, and few employ full-time security personnel.   Even...


Vertical Business Industries and Regulatory Business and Technical Requirements

October 19, 2012

A short matrix of Industries and Regulatory Business and Technical Requirements Industry Expertise Financial Services The Gram-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (GLBA), Part 748 and FFIEC audit guidelines has created renewed focus on risk management initially outlined in the FFIEC examiners handbook from 1998.  Guidelines published in July 2001, require...

application , business , web-services

Sample – Enterprise Web Service Infrastructure Charter

October 15, 2012

Project Overview Overview It is generally believed that certain architectural elements in our Web Services Infrastructure contribute to the overhead in calling a component. Some of these architectural elements are: Authentication and Encryption requirements – this one has the biggest impact today Transformation between XML document and JAVA objects...

application , business , compliances , security

Data Management Architecture

October 2, 2012

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide an understanding of the benefits of good data management to Information Technology and the business areas of corporate. Data Modeling and Data Management is an integral part of the overall project planning and helps assure that the end result will...

application , business , compliances , security

Sample – Standard for Securing the Oracle, SQL and Informix Database Servers

October 1, 2012

The following suggestions and references are for secure Oracle, SQL, Informix, DB2 and other database servers: Patches and Security Updates Ensure that the operating system has the latest updates, patches and service packs. Similarly the database server and any database connectivity components like ODBC and JDBC drivers are patched...

application , business , compliances , security

Key considerations – Risks considerations for a Managed Solution Service Provider (MSSP)

September 27, 2012

Optimizing Infrastructure service solution considerations are: Customer Satisfaction – Ensuring plans are in place to minimize negative Client experience and impacts to client productivity during and after transition of services.  The goal will be to target current or higher than current level of client satisfaction Business Disruption – Design...

business , compliances , projects

Sample – Project Transition Program Overview

September 20, 2012

The service transition work-streams should focus on transferring the knowledge and services from the incumbent teams, while the other work-streams will provide the necessary existing support in different IT Domain areas. The transition team structure should closely mirror the existing Client’ support team structure, so that the PMO and existing teams...

business , compliances , projects , security

Sample – Solution Design Principles

September 19, 2012

Approach to the solution design principles and solution elements in determining the optimal service delivery model is based upon: Understanding the objectives and future state expectations leading to determination of key service delivery solution components: Service Delivery Model, Resource Modeling, Demand Planning, Governance, Continuous Improvement Identification of service portfolio...

application , business , compliances , security

Web Server – User Interface Layer

September 17, 2012

This layer comprises of the components residing in the interface from which the user will access the application. In this layer, indicate if there is a client and/or an externally hosted application / web services. Web Server Layer In this layer, include the BIG IP Global Traffic Manager (GTM)...

application , business , compliances , security

Suggested Simple Standard Architecture Diagrams

September 17, 2012

Suggested simple standard Architecture Diagrams that you should build for your IT environment. Diagram Templates 1)      Complete the necessary IT diagrams Application Architecture diagram Hosting Topology diagram Application Dependency diagram https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

application , business , compliances , security

Sample Design – Web Application Architecture Considerations

September 16, 2012

User Interface Layer This layer comprises of the components residing in the interface from which the user will access the application. Normally this will be a web browser running on the user’s machine. Sometimes, this will be the Web Services client that calls a Web Service on the backend. ...

application , business , projects , security

Project Approach – Plan Build and Run

September 14, 2012

Plan Develop the Security Architecture strategy to address the demands of stakeholders while also considering available resources Task & improvement request management Prioritization of tasks and requests Determine service levels Evaluate operational metrics and measure achievement of goals Assign and manage resources Security Architecture governance Build Design and implement...

application , business , compliances , security

What are your Security Organizational Goals?

September 9, 2012

Compliance Enhance overall security posture, confidently move towards regulatory compliance with an Security program that effectively enforces least privilege access principle, provides visibility and enforces privacy and security policies Operational Efficiency Reduce manual labor and replace inefficient and inconsistent processes, by streamlining, orchestrating and automating identity lifecycle management processes...

application , business , compliances , security

Sample ITIL – Service Level Management (SLM) Policy

September 6, 2012

The policies for Service Level Management are as follows: Formal processes, procedures, and guidelines must be documented, consistently followed, and enforced for the Service Level Management process. A Service Catalog shall be developed and maintained to list all of the services being provided by the Individual Business Unit, a...

application , business , compliances , security

Sample – Oracle SLA / OLA Server Response Time Monitoring Considerations

September 6, 2012

The following SLA / OLA Oracle Server Counters are supported by Oracle version 10g or higher: Number of active connections Buffer Cache Hit Ratio CPU Usage Per Second CPU Usage Per Transaction Current Logons Count Current Open Cursors Count Current OS Load Cursor Cache Hit Ratio Database CPU Time...

application , business , compliances , security

Sample – Useful Interbase queries

September 5, 2012

Interbase is a high performance, multiplatform and scalable relational database. Below are some common queries you can use. SELECT TMP$ATTACHMENTS FROM TMP$DATABASE Number of active connections (SMALLINT)  SELECT TMP$STATEMENTS FROM TMP$DATABASE Number of compiled statements (INTEGER)  SELECT TMP$ALLOCATED_PAGES FROM TMP$DATABASE Pages allocated to all database files (INTEGER)  SELECT TMP$POOLS...

application , business , compliances , security

Symantec Veritas – Storage Migrator Process Unix Clients and Unix Storage Migrator (SM) Server

September 3, 2012

Benefits:  Able to increase the amount of available disk space by moving old, unused data to tape. Will decrease the amount of data needed to be backed up. Basically transparent to the end user. Automated, based on pre-determined criteria.  Disadvantages:  It is Unix only. There are a few minute...

application , business , compliances , security

NetApp Storage Virtualization & Archive Service Cost Comparison

September 2, 2012

It is estimated that 40-50% of data residing on Tier 1 NAS filers located at the Units is inactive and rarely accessed.  Moving inactive data to less expensive storage will reduce disk storage costs and free existing Tier1 storage for growth of more-active data. Based on Performance, Security and...

application , business , compliances , projects , security

Sample – IT Design Solution Roadmap

August 21, 2012

Key aspects to consider for each of your IT Domain towers are transition, cross tower optimize investments and innovation detailed below:  Simplify client support model and optimize resource utilization, Integrate solutions and scalability. Integrated solutions across various IT technology services Focus on productivity Integrated Infrastructure service desk with ITIL...

application , business , compliances , security

Symantec Veritas – Storage Migrator

August 14, 2012

Symantec (Veritas) Storage Migrator – UNIX, currently at version 6.5 Description: Storage Migrator is a hierarchical storage management (HSM) product for distributed systems.  It can increase the amount of file space available to users by migrating files to secondary storage as space is needed in the local file system. ...

application , business , compliances , security

SDLC – Sample Software Development Initiatives Charter

August 7, 2012

Free sample download. We are generally seeking to establish a minimum environment that enables applications to flourish using compatible standards and policies, where practical: The infrastructure, then, provides the bridge between data and applications. Goal is to improve security Security is a cost/benefit proposition Balance security objectives with operational...

business , compliances , security

Sample Excel – Job Roles SAP Sample output

August 6, 2012

Free Excel document Download. Job Roles SAP Sample Output https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

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Sample – HA Monitoring Business Charter

July 18, 2012

Business Case The Enterprise Java Team’s has created a standard development Application Monitoring Standard. This project’s goal was to create a document outlining this standard and to look for any gaps in the currently available Application Monitoring Frameworks that need to be filled. This charter is to outline those...
