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business , compliances , security

Help Desk – Change Controls considerations

April 17, 2010

Package software support Considerations: Third party development and/or maintenance Project Review by Management Restriction on Transfer to Production Documentation Change Control Procedures: Emergency Changes Segregation of Test and Production Approval of system testing Training in new systems Computer Operations Operations Procedures Supervision of Operations: Communications Management Documentation of Procedures...

business , compliances , security

Help Desk IT Business Spectrum

April 15, 2010


business , compliances , security

Threat is a possible danger to the system

April 14, 2010

It is policy to ensure that the balance of risks, vulnerabilities, threats, and countermeasures achieves a residual level of risk that is acceptable based on the sensitivity or criticality of the individual information technology (IT) system. In accordance with SOP, it is the System Owner’s responsibility to prepare or...

business , compliances , security

VA (Vulnerability Assessment) scanning and reporting

April 14, 2010

Documents and action items considerations for reporting requirements (nCircle, Qualys, Nessus, Appscan, SAMATE and other VA Scanning tools). 1. Scope Document (Project Scope) 2. Architecture Document 3. Roles and Responsibilities (Support Plan) 4. Escalation Path (Support Plan) 5. Run books (operations guide) 6. Asset Lists 7. SLA Review and Documentation 8. Metrics and Reporting Documentation 9. Training...


Help Desk Asset Management

April 13, 2010

The ability to know a caller’s exact computing environment at any given time is critical to the success of an internal help desk.  The need to track complete inventory information for all supported users. The end result is quicker and more accurate problem resolution.  And because you can associate...

business , compliances , security


April 12, 2010

  COBIT resources should be used as a source of best practice guidance. Each of the following is organized by IT management process, as defined in the COBIT Framework. COBIT is intended for use by business and IT management, as well as IS auditors; therefore, its usage enables the...

business , compliances

Service Level Expectations

April 11, 2010

Staff attrition makes it difficult to support heterogeneous environments: Applications impacted by data management Can’t proactively identify or address service issues  Limited tracking, reporting and documentation Standards perpetually emerging, impractical to implement Evolving technologies outdate policies, procedures Data expectations may not match existing policies No one wants their data...

business , compliances

Increasing Data Growth

April 11, 2010

  Medical imaging, biotechnology imaging, geophysical engineering, digital media, databases, Physics, Digital animations, RFID / tracking, email: Multiple primary disks – raided / mirrored Multiple business continuance volume business continuance volume snapshots Replicated volumes Many generations of backups – onsite and offsite copies Additional extra copies “tucked away” (i.e....

business , compliances , security


April 10, 2010

Modern businesses are organized as a set of core processes operating within supply and demand networks. Almost every organization in the world is faced with increasing pressure for effectiveness and efficiency (i.e., higher quality requirements for products and services, increased revenue, cost reduction, new product development), a pressure for...

business , networking

Out of reach Unified Communications

April 9, 2010

Scope: Corporate IT can barely keep their existing networks up an running, much less integrate Data and Voice networks and keep them running. Cause: Vendors are not integrating with other technologies Technologies don’t work as documented Lack of trained or experience personal M & A’s are leaving corporations paralyzed with...

business , data-center-soc-noc , security

Planning Your Security Assessment

April 6, 2010

Careful planning is the first and most important step of any security assessment. While it may be tempting to break out your network security tool kit right away and begin scanning the entire network, this can lead to haphazard information collection and analysis and provide practically no basis for...

business , itil

Some Sample ITIL Domains

April 2, 2010

Service Level Management Service level management is the name given to the processes of planning, negotiating, co-coordinating, monitoring, and reporting on Service Level Agreements (SLAs). The process includes the on-going review of service achievement to ascertain that the required service quality is maintained and wherever necessary improved. SLAs contain...


Could this be your audit results?

April 2, 2010

Can you relate to these results…. We will bet most of you won’t admit it. https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples  

application , business , security

Application Fix Suggestions

March 29, 2010

Create or modify standardized processes or procedures for: Business requirements Project Management eCommerce Services Web Design (CSS) Development Coding Interdependent transactions Authentication Storybook’s Testing Use cases Acceptance processes Pre-production security scans and remediation Dependencies should be: Accurate Asset Management Accurate IP Control Reliable Network infrastructure Governance: Policies, Standard and...

business , itil , projects , security

Asset Management fix suggestions

March 29, 2010

Leverage asset technologies such as: WEBM CIMOM Asset discovery / management AV Assumptions: Reliable IP Controls Gold Standard system and releases ITIL Change controls ITIL CMDB Corporate overall governance https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

business , compliances , security

List of Suggested Security Awareness Raising Methods

March 28, 2010

The following topics are not organized in priority order; they are instead clustered by the type of communication involved.  Consider this list to be a menu from which appropriate activities may be selected.  The policy writer should not select just one or two of the following methods, but ten...

business , data-center-soc-noc , information-rights-management , security

Some Storage Considerations

March 27, 2010

    DAS  NAS  SAN  iSCSI Type of connection • SCSI • FC-AL • …. • Fast Ethernet • Fibre Channel • Fibre Channel • Internet Remote connection • Typically no • Yes • Possible • Yes Type of I/O • Block  • File  • Block  • Block Performance...

business , information-rights-management , security

Identity Management Solution Components

March 27, 2010

Different administration tools and operative components which support the identity management were developed completely independent to each other. Therefore the originated systems offer a high functional overlapping. You are not able to arrange them to a complete identity management infrastructure without any troubles. The most important solution components for...

business , compliances

What have we really learned?

March 25, 2010

The Renaissance Leader, will be extremely valuable for my knowledge and development entering into a leadership position. This leadership guide will illustrate the values and lessons that are significant in striving to be a telling leader in today’s organizations. This paper is my personal leadership guide that documents my...

business , compliances , security

Leaders create companies based on these fundamentals

March 25, 2010

  Decentralization: Unless there’s a compelling market-oriented reason for a decision to be made at the top, it’s delegated to the lowest level where the best information resides.    Marketing Mechanisms: The market is the most efficient process for allocating resources. Therefore, central planning and powerful budget offices are...

business , compliances

Suggested Business Communications

March 25, 2010

There’s no mystery to creating effective business communications. Common sense tells us that careful organization, the arrangement of words, pictures, and other components, is our main goal. To help you improve the effectiveness of your business documents, keep in mind the following list of suggestions, or building blocks, as...

business , compliances

Constructive Conflict Management

March 25, 2010

Include all: 1.  Develop supportive environment 2.  Agree on goal/agenda/time limits 3.  Approach conflict as a mutual problem 4.  Acknowledge and reach understanding of the other ideas 5.  State your ideas after the other person has stated ideas 6.  Think of options 7.  Reach agreement    Conflict Resolution Options:...

business , compliances

Ingredients for Productive Team Meetings

March 25, 2010

There are simple steps which can increase the productivity level of team meetings. Check off the appropriate items as you prepare for your next meeting. During team formation 1. Ensure that all members have a joint understanding ___ Make sure each person understands the mission ___ Define the problem...

business , compliances

Goal Setting Info

March 25, 2010

Healthy organizations have goals at all levels. Both organizations and individuals need to manage their affairs against goals Explicit Measurable Obtainable Hard, specific goals, if accepted by the individual, will lead to increased team performance. Teams Teams outperform individuals acting alone or in larger organizational groupings, especially when performance...

application , business

Success of your Business

March 24, 2010

Outsourced solutions insure the success of your business The road to profitability is paved with criteria that, if achieved successfully, can ensure your site’s success. In today’s Intranet economy, whether you are a service or content provider, you need to differentiate your offering from your competitors’ by: · Building...

business , compliances

Challenges of IT Infrastructure

March 24, 2010

The development of the internet has been seen as the most significant advance in IT for many years. In essence, what it does is to allow any computer with a communication channel to offer its contents to anyone else and to get material back from any other connected computer...


Business goals for the future

March 24, 2010

Corporate America needs to develop a clear understanding of what it will take to become profitable and build on or Extend market share. Developing tactical strategies to attain these goals should be based on short-term and strategic long-term goals.   Reduce and Control Operating Costs The single most important tactical...

business , compliances

Business Rule Considerations

March 24, 2010

Isolate Business Rule Processing Create “Library” of Business Rules Create Infrastructure Ability to “select” rules Ability to generate a process with multiple rules Self Documenting Current Direction Bridge ALL functionality using messages for bridging Isolate Single Module for Single Function Separate Data Layer Establish Extensive Re-Use Build Libraries Re-Use...


Bull or Bear in IT

March 24, 2010

                 Bull Market                                  Bear Market Big spending wins eyeballs. Smart spending wins customers. Customer acquisition is a priority. Smart spending wins customers. Company merge to look big. Customer retention is a priority. We’ll be the next Yahoo. Companies merge order to survive. Free offers lure new customers. We’re not the...

business , compliances , security

Help Control Your Personal Information Online

March 23, 2010

Help Control Your Personal Information Online Most of us don’t even pause before filling out a contest entry form at a shopping mall and leaving personally identifiable information in a jar. But many people feel more protective of their privacy when they go online. When you are asked to...

business , security

The Cost of Not Managing Security

March 23, 2010

Typical Help Desk Calls  
