Our documents are based on successfully executed projects which save you time and money.

Business Requirements for Network Performance

October 4, 2010

Look for a complete picture of the network performance across both the WAN and the LAN regardless of network technology • Measure and verify key service level parameters including latency, availability, packet loss and jitter from an independent, third party point of view. • Monitor key performance indicators including...

business , sample-it-spreadsheets

Sample Excel – Vendor Technology Organizations and Service Descriptions

September 20, 2010

Free Excel document download Vendor Technology Organizations and Service Descriptions.xls https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

business , itil

What is the ITIL IT Service Request Catalog

August 13, 2010

The IT Service Request Catalog is usually a web portal inside your organization that contains information about your organization IT Services. It optimizes IT services and improvements over the current methods that your organization used to request, assign, and fulfill IT service requests. The IT Service Request Catalog provides:...


Sample – Credit Union IT Systems Compliance and Legal Issues

July 15, 2010

1.0 Overview This policy defines the basic elements required for the <Company Name> Information Systems Compliance and Legal Issues Monitoring. 2.0 Purpose To evaluate whether management practices relative to IT have been designed to properly address regulatory compliance and other legal issues. 3.0 Scope The scope of this policy...


Sample Corporate Compliance Agreement

July 5, 2010

Agreement to Comply With Information Security Policies A signed paper copy of this form must be submitted with all requests for 1) Authorization of a new user-ID, 2) Authorization of a change in privileges associated with an existing user-ID, or 3) Periodic reauthorization of an existing user-ID.  Modifications to the terms...


Sample – TGIS – Scope of Work

June 2, 2010

System Planning, Design and Implementation Route Design Analysis and Seasonal Field Activity Support Software Development GIS System Automation Hardcopy and Digital Product Development Data Quality Assurance and Reporting Documentation and Standards Requirements gathering continues (will continue throughout the project) Engineering data (mostly in-house) Route design and seasonal field activity...

business , security

The Loss of Corporate Knowledge

May 31, 2010

The challenges are related to people and strategy: Attracting & Retaining Talented People                                                      9% Identifying the Right Team/Leader for Knowledge                              15% Defining Standard Processes for Knowledge Work                                 24% Setting the Appropriate Scope for Knowledge Initiatives                 24% Mapping the Organizations Existing Knowledge                                     28% Justifying the...


TGIS – Sample Engineering Design / Development Considerations

May 30, 2010

Route Design and Seasonal Field Activity Cycles Route Design & Analysis – Happens continuously, but there are critical points where data and map products are required in a timely manner to support the following activities. Thaw Settlement Calculations Frost Heave Calculations Pipeline Design Criteria Stress Analysis for Frost Heave...


News Flash – We would like your technical input

May 27, 2010

Please help us improve the content of this Website and this blog. Please submit your IT Technology documents for consideration to our site, your assistance is greatly appreciated. We are all about fostering a Community of Interest (COIs) Working together for: Deliverables Develop (and harmonize) reusable data exchange components...

business , data-center-soc-noc

Business Continuation Project Considerations

May 27, 2010

Top 8 Things to Communicate Proactively ID and leverage existing information upfront Have a clear definition of scope and deliverables Team structure should include functional representation Equalize the workload between your project content experts Gather feedback along the way to make sure you’re meeting milestones Establish top down support...


What is a process implementation ?

May 26, 2010

Very simple: Where are you now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples


What is Strategic Outsourcing?

May 24, 2010

Strategic Outsourcing is the utilization of world class skills, technology and resources to consult, develop, and deploy business processes and IT solutions under a multiyear contractual relationship. Strategic Outsourcing thereby affords customers: Increased competitive advantage in their industry Improved cost-to-benefit value relationship in their business Focus on core competencies...


What is a Typical RFP?

May 24, 2010

Very detailed, well-constructed document Something that affects all business units Often Involves eCommerce, cross-media production and lots more Typically requires a detailed vendor response, including an on-site presentation and evaluation Home


Information Technology

May 22, 2010

Information Systems have become an essential element of our economic infrastructure. As important as energy, transportation and financial systems. Information system may be the most critical because all other systems are increasingly dependent on computer networks. Over a very short period of our history, computer systems and the Internet...


It’s about Business !

May 13, 2010

Business  – > Information – > Technology We realize your current businesses have huge existing investments in IT These investments: Fill different needs, Are implemented on different platforms, and Are of different vintages No one in their right mind believes these huge investments will be discarded! Businesses are evolving...


Channel Sales – Items to Consider

May 11, 2010

Territory   vs   Major Account Manager,  vs  Channel Manager, vs  Global Accounts Manager             Forecast:                Quota’s   (top 10/20 deals) Commit, Top prospects, Most likely,  (what moved)                         Revenue  (where can is there low hanging fruit)                                        Sell to and through             Lead Generation, Call Activity,             Professional association,                                     Tradeshow,...


IT Manageability Life Cycle

May 7, 2010

Provision Discover and configure compute, storage and network elements to the operational state Monitor Discover, monitor, and alerting of  the ongoing state, health and performance of services Control Regular and preventative maintenance and service optimizations Fault Preventing, predicting and recovering operational state from faults Upgrade Change management, version control,...


Predicting the future of Business and IT

May 6, 2010

“Some day on the corporate balance sheet, there will be an entry which reads information, for in most cases the information is more valuable than the hardware which possess it.”                         Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, United States Navy. Grace wherever you are ….. you were right !!!!


The Digital Divide

May 6, 2010

Provide for flexible secure coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions & resources (a.k.a. virtual organizations). Increasingly complex and difficult to secure with traditional tools and methods. Landscape Emerging generations of eBusiness applications can be based on Web Services, layers of often incompatible middleware and computing platforms...


IT Architecture Driver Pieces

May 5, 2010

Strategic Direction Technology Standards Data Current Architecture Business Drivers Design Drivers Architectural Segments Exec Support Administrative IT Operations Business Architecture Data Architecture Applications Architecture Technology Architecture Asset Management Transitional Processes Target Architecture Strategic Direction www.bestitdocuments.com


Mission of A Security Program

May 4, 2010

Prevent, detect and respond to intentional acts that could impact the ability of a company to provide essential services. Maintain public/customer confidence in a company’s ability to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and services. Enable a company to pursue business opportunities while meeting security and privacy...


Reduce TCO – Consider Virtualization

April 30, 2010

Server Workstation Applications Storage VMWare IBM Virtualization ZEN MS application Virtualization (App-v) Windows 7 Remote-App Windows 7 Roaming Profiles Windows 7 folder redirection Virtualize – Pano    MS System Center    MS Desktop Optimization Pack for Software Assurance    End User Benefits of desktop virtualization  


Most significant digital data issues

April 29, 2010

Responsible stewardship: effective recognition of the issue of sustained preservation & access Scalable, extensible and evolvable solutions for building and operating digital repositories in a networked world Trustworthy, verifiable methods for overcoming format obsolescence & providing sustained access to authentic electronic records Resources for digital preservation


Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

April 28, 2010

Learn from industry analysts, product experts, and customers to gain an understanding of how DLP solutions can help secure your sensitive information no matter where it resides in your organization. How Data Loss Prevention solutions fit into an overall information risk management strategy. How to discover, monitor and control...


Average Web User Statistics

April 26, 2010

Average of: 16 Sessions per Week 26 Unique sites visited 53 Page Views per Session 282 Page Views per Week 9 Hours Per Week 81 Minutes per Session 56 Seconds per Page Speed will become a major business differentiator in a connected world 70% of IT budgets are spent...


IT Challenges

April 26, 2010

  48% report a quarter or more of IT projects are delivered late 75% of Internet initiatives fail due to poor planning. 75% of e-business initiatives fail due to poor planning and lack of understanding of the technology. 38% report a quarter or more of IT projects are delivered...


Backups alone are not enough

April 25, 2010

Poor policy management No Standards or procedures No indexing or search capabilities Poor segmentation Data is “clumped” on media haphazardly according to source time and place rather than according to policy Data sharing the same media cannot be truly expired Retrieval requests will bring back unrelated data Unworkable as...


Sample Telco SLA Considerations

April 24, 2010

  Description Target % Dependencies Additional Comments Uptime/availability of critical Telecom systems       Uptime/availability of critical Telecom systems       Percentage of MAC reduction in Remedy       PBX availability:        Call volume:       International calls:        National  &...


Help Desk Enterprise Integration

April 22, 2010

Service Desk offers true enterprise-class integration services through its unique SNMP and SMTP Listeners. These powerful network listeners watch for alerts from enterprise management platforms such as Remedy, Landesk, CA Unicenter. Tivoli or HP Openview. When relevant events occur, trouble tickets can be automatically generated at the help desk. ...

business , compliances , security

Anatomy of Audit Logging

April 22, 2010

The Information Security Forum’s (ISF) The Standard of Good Practice for Information Security (Version 4.1, January 2005) states that the objective for logging is “To ensure individual accountability and to enable incidents, such as access violations, to be investigated and resolved.” This is easy to state, but a major...

application , business , compliances

Knowledge Lake Imaging Server

April 21, 2010

KnowledgeLake Imaging Server eliminates the costs and challenges of using paper documents, as well as the limitations it puts on your business processes. Built on Microsoft® SharePoint®, KnowledgeLake Imaging Server uses the latest technology to provide features that extend SharePoint’s enterprise content management capabilities throughout your organization.   With KnowledgeLake...
