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Sample – Information Lifecycle

February 7, 2012

Authorization Delivery Usage Storage Destruction Research indicates access to confidential documents is mostly granted without data owners’ prior approval. Sometimes, this is due to undefined owners. IT organizations should ensure data owners are identified and their authorization is sought prior to granting access or distributing “confidential” documents outside the...

business , compliances , security

Privacy Policy Development

February 7, 2012

Understanding Privacy Issues Privacy policies help companies build and sustain their customers’ trust. The development of an internal and external privacy policy is essential to increasing consumer confidence and sustaining long-term relationships. A privacy policy creates an outward commitment with respect to the protection of personally identifiable information. This...

business , compliances , o-s , security

Sample – Estimated effort and cost to Patch 1000 Physical / Virtual Servers

February 6, 2012

Estimates and costs may vary. www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , o-s , security

Sample – Estimated effort and cost to Patch 100 servers

February 6, 2012

Estimates and costs may vary. www.bestitdocuments.com

application , business , o-s , security

OS Patch Management Challenges Today

February 6, 2012

Patch Management Challenges Today, all of the assets that have to be analyzed for risk, prioritized and approach. www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , itil , security

Sample – ITIL Risk Assessment Strategy Vision

February 5, 2012

Visual representation of Risk and the impact of Assets. You fill in the gaps… www.bestitdocuments.com

business , compliances , security

Limitations of Type I SAS 70

February 5, 2012

A Type II report will perform testing to determine that 1)      the description presents fairly the controls that have been placed in operation; 2)      the controls were suitably designed to achieve the control objectives; 3)      the controls were operating effectively Could result in a Qualified Opinion if the description...

business , compliances , security

Women’s Health & Cancer Rights Act of 1998

February 5, 2012

Plan Requirements Provides medical and surgical benefits with respect to a mastectomy shall provide coverage for:               – Reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy is performed               – Surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance               – Prosthesis and physical complications for all...

business , compliances , security

Network – Wide Reporting Suggestions

February 5, 2012

Security reports need to contain data for the enterprise, not just a server or a few servers.  This is crucial in determining the true security health of the organization.  Network-wide reporting allows management to understand the current strengths and weaknesses in the security policies incorporated across the company.  If...

business , compliances , security

Countermeasures Based on Security Policy and Accountability

February 5, 2012

Briefly discuss the protection mechanisms available in the system that help to counter threats described in the above narrative.  This narrative should serve as a summary of the protection philosophy used in the design and implementation of the protection mechanisms.  Physical Security Assumptions (1)   Provide narrative, which states what...

business , compliances , networking , security

How Security Weaknesses Can Impact Business

February 5, 2012

Organizations are continually trying to find ways to justify the need for their security programs. This has always been a challenging task for security departments since budget decision makers want to know the justification and/or the return-on-investment (ROI).  It becomes an even more difficult issue if nothing bad happens. ...

business , compliances , security

One view of a Penetration Test in a Data Network

February 4, 2012

Introduction The digital world does not differ almost in anything from the real world, is defined as the reflection on which it is lived nowadays, it is as well as it is due to begin to visualize the concept of computer science security and of the areas associated to...

application , business , compliances , security

OSI 7498-2 Security Reference Model Function Layers

February 4, 2012

OSI Layers OSI 7498-1 Network Model Description OSI 7498-2 Security Service 1 The Physical Layer contains the data represented as electronic bits. Data travels over a physical medium using specific transmission devices and media. Connection Confidentiality, Traffic Flow Confidentiality 2 The Data Link Layer organizes electronic bits into logical...

business , compliances , projects

Sample – Assessing Processes Slide Deck

February 4, 2012

Free – Document download Assessing Processes

business , compliances , networking , security

Sample – Security Engineering Security Posture Assessment Proposal

February 4, 2012

Statement of Work Executive Summary ‘Client’ submits this proposal to perform a Security Posture Assessment for: The comprehensive security effort by ‘Client’ personnel from various locations and ‘Client’ Managed Security Solutions (MSS) Alliance Partner will provide: A preliminary assessment of the current security posture of the Sample-1 web site...

application , business , compliances , networking , o-s , security

Audit is Managing Client Expectations

February 4, 2012

There are 6 basic entry points into any network: Through a firewall / DMZ Usually a single IP address or perhaps a couple but it is not too difficult to launch an audit against these targets. Most audits reveal issues related to the OS, Services running, and Web Servers...

business , compliances , o-s , security

Sample – Windows Services Suggestions

February 4, 2012

 Free – Document download Windows Services Suggestions

business , networking , security

Sample – Host Intrusion Prevention Architecture (HIPA)

February 3, 2012


business , networking , security

Wireless – Sample Controller Infrastructure

February 3, 2012

The autonomous access point model is certainly acceptable for smaller installations, but management of many dozens of devices will be infeasible and unreliable.  Management systems essentially provide global AP awareness so that access points are only covering the areas in which coverage is necessary, as well as to unify...

business , networking , security

Security Guidelines for Wireless LAN

February 3, 2012

 Free – Document download Security Guidelines for Wireless LAN

business , networking , security

Guide to Wireless Communications Slide Deck

February 3, 2012

 Free – Document download Guide to Wireless Communications

business , o-s , security

What Can Go Wrong During an IT Pen – Test – Slide Deck

February 2, 2012

 Free – Document download What Can Go Wrong During an IT Pen – Test

business , compliances , o-s , security

Information Security Threat Assessment – Slide Deck

February 2, 2012

Author uknown. Information Security Threat Assessment

business , compliances , o-s , security

Securing Your E-Business Assets – Slide Deck

February 2, 2012

 Free – Document download Securing Your E-Business Assets

business , o-s

Engineering Essential Characteristics – Slide Deck

February 2, 2012

Free – Document download Engineering Essential Characteristics  

business , compliances , o-s , security

Sample IT Operational Risk Management Slide Deck

February 2, 2012

 Free – Document download IT Operational Risk Management Slide Deck

business , compliances , o-s

Reference: IT Outsourcing Slide Deck

February 2, 2012

 Free – Document download IT Outsourcing Slide Deck

business , o-s

Sample – Software Installation and Maintenance Architecture

February 2, 2012

Overall Architecture This section provides information on the Software Installation and Maintenance architecture. It discusses the architecture in terms of the software deployment phases that were introduced in the preceding section. Windows 200x Software Installation and Maintenance requires Windows 200x Server, Active Directory, Group Policy, and Windows 200x Professional. ...


Sample – Disaster Recovery Test

February 2, 2012

Hypothetical Disasters: Could These Happen To You? In each of the following situations, which have been adapted from actual events, you are the executive on the scene, in charge and you have total responsibility for results. There is no one “right” answer to any of these problems, and the...

business , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

Sample – Assessing and Implementing Network Security

February 2, 2012

Introduction The methodology used in this example to assess the risks consists of the two following phases:   Step 1 – Define the network and identify assets In this step, the network security boundary and scope are defined and an inventory of assets is performed. We assume that information...

business , compliances , networking , security

Sample – Legacy Computer Forensic Database Collection

February 1, 2012

Free – Document download Computer Forensic Database Collection  
