Unix sed Commands sed ‘s/wizard/guru/g’ file1 replaces every occurrence of the string wizard with the string guru sed -n ‘s/wizard/guru/gp’ file1 replaces and prints only those lines where the substitution was made -n print only when command p is given sed ‘/Comment:/d’ file1 deletes all the lines that contain Comment: from the file. sed… Continue reading UNIX sed Commands
Author: Guest
Database Mirroring Best Practices
Free document download (Raid overview) Database Mirroring Best Practices
ITIL Request Management Benefits
Goals: Increase productivity Enforce business rules Provide automation where possible Provide audit trail De-provisioning and re-provisioning appropriate assets Change Order Management Workflow Tasks Individual assignment and notification Track cost & time Often used by: IT HR Facilities Request / Incident / Problem Management Overview / benefits: Request for Change or Service Profile information Activities Related… Continue reading ITIL Request Management Benefits