Welcome to Bestitdocuments.com Weblog

In our years of IT experience we found that consulting companies think they have all the answers. The truth is they don’t even know all of the questions for most organizations. You found us because you were looking for information in an effort to fast track your projects or simplify your job. Since 2007 we… Continue reading Welcome to Bestitdocuments.com Weblog


DISCLAIMER:All files download from this site are scanned for viruses. BestITDocuments is not responsible for copies of these files download from other sites / sources. Limit Of Liability/Disclaimer Of Warranty: The Publisher And The Author Make No Representations Or Warranties With Respect To The Accuracy Or Completeness Of The Contents Of This Work And Specifically… Continue reading Disclaimer

Why are downloads are embedded in a .zip file?

Do to volume and managing storage of files (currently 2600+) we will put the download in a larger .zip file for your convenience. We scan all files downloaded directly from this site from virus and threats. We always recommend you perform your own scanning for your confidence.

Security products precedence on the OS Stack

Its really difficult to verify the order of execution (precedence) of these security tools on the OS Stack, but this is based on research and testing and observations. It is not 100% accurate but its better than nothing. Often times End Point (EDR) products conflict with each other. So often times it is recommended not… Continue reading Security products precedence on the OS Stack

PDQ – YML Samples

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip Internet Explorer 11.xmlPrintNightmare – Start Print Spooler Service-Enable-Upgrade VM Horizon Agnet.xmlDisable IE 11.xmlIE Disabled.xmlInstall_Windows_Updates.xmlNEW WINDOWS ASSET-Domain Only-Inventory.xmlNEW_WINDOWS_ASSET_CHECK_deploy.xmlPrint Spooler Service.xmlPrintNightmare – Stop Print Spooler Service Disable.xml