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Keys to Successful Implementation of Consolidation – Shared Services

July 31, 2024

Download file here…. from a .zip file https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Keys to Successful Implementation of Consolidation – Shared Services.doc

compliances , policies , security

Microsoft – Reducing false positive detections in MIP and DLP

July 30, 2024

Tips and tricks for maximizing accuracy educing false positive detections in MIP and DLP (microsoft.github.io) Deck – Tips and tricks for reducing FPs.pdf

compliances , policies , projects , security , visio-stencils

OCTAVE – Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation

July 29, 2024

Small Sampling Market Analysis Requirements Summary  Customer Opportunities: Changes from prior version Commercial Enterprise The following are the vertical market segments which are currently exhibiting receptivity to security messages. Spending is high as this market is only viable if the information assets are shared in real-time. This has established...

compliances , policies , projects , security , visio-stencils

Visio – Transformation Project Steady State Timeline

July 28, 2024

Download file here…. from a .zip file https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Transformation Project Steady State Timeline.vsd

compliances , policies , projects , security , visio-stencils

Technology and the Future

July 27, 2024

Define and articulating, a vision of a Unifying IT Strategy Plan to provide direction and support for the evolution of IT. Then, Deliver high-level “Architectural” networking, security consulting and applications and delivery services: Focusing on the creation of technologies and new product innovations in support of the corporations, strategy...

compliances , policies , projects , security , visio-stencils

Visio – Sample Enterprise Service Portal

July 26, 2024

Download file here…. from a .zip file https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Sample Enterprise Service Portal.vsd


Sample Citrix Drawing1

July 25, 2024

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip Sample Citrix Drawing1.vsdx

compliances , security , virtual-vmware , visio-stencils

Veritas Backup Exec Tape Format Layouts

July 23, 2024


PACs Medical Imaging Services Project Definition

July 21, 2024

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip PACs Medical Imaging Services Project Plan.docx

compliances , security , virtual-vmware , visio-stencils

System-Independent Data Format (SIDF)

July 20, 2024

compliances , policies , security , visio-stencils

NFS Daemons

July 19, 2024

Portmap The primary daemon upon which all the RPC rely Manages connections for applications that use the RPC specification Listens to TCP port 111 for initial connection Negotiate a range of TCP ports, usually above port 1024, for further comms. You need to run portmap on both the NFS...

compliances , policies , security , visio-stencils

NFS / DFS:  An Overview

July 18, 2024

Overview of NFS Unix distributed filesystems are used to: The main systems are: Unix NFS packages usually include client and server components Can be fast in comparison to many other DFS Restrictions of NFS Restricted locking

compliances , policies , security , visio-stencils

Sample VM Financial Database Field Research

July 17, 2024

Sample VM Financial Database Field Research.docx Download file here…. from a .zip file

compliances , security , virtual-vmware , visio-stencils

Microsoft Tape Format (MTF)

July 16, 2024

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Yosemite Tapeware Tape Format Layouts (7crc1)

July 14, 2024

compliances , firewalls , security , visio-stencils

Security products precedence on the OS Stack

July 13, 2024

Its really difficult to verify the order of execution (precedence) of these security tools on the OS Stack, but this is based on research and testing and observations. It is not 100% accurate but its better than nothing. Often times End Point (EDR) products conflict with each other. So...

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Information Middleware Application Technology Financial Banking at a Glance

July 12, 2024

Information Middleware Application Technology Financial Banking At a Glance.docx Download here from .zip file…. https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip

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Sample Financial Banking Vendors

July 11, 2024

Sample Bank Vendors.xlsx Download file here … in a .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip


F5 Service Escalation Flowchart

July 10, 2024

F5 Service Escalation Flowchart.doc Download file here…. from a .zip file. https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip

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Sample Visio Process Flow from SAP to IMAN

July 9, 2024

Sample Visio Process Flow from SAP to IMAN.doc Download file here… from a .zip file

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Sample Financial Application Names 2

July 8, 2024

Sample Financial Application Names 2.xlsx Data management and history trackingOnline lendingFinancial instruments, investmentsLive customer supportMobile versionOnline depositsSelf-service options for clientsOnline payments and billsTransaction processing Download here…. from .zip file


Effective Communications

July 7, 2024

Working with supervisors The supervisor’s job is difficult, demanding and often frustrating. Supervisors usually picture themselves as people squeezed between line employees and management. They are management’s representatives to the work force, and yet management does not accept them as equals. They are frequently the last to know about...


Active Listening

July 6, 2024

Do You Hear What is Said? You can learn both what the other person knows and does not know about the subject being discussed. You can help relieve tension – sometimes attentive listening may be the very thing that the other person needs to calm him down to reasonable...


The Decision-Making Process

July 5, 2024

Conflict occurs when individuals or groups of people viewing the same situation have different desires or come to different conclusions. In order to resolve grievances, it is important for both management and labor representatives to be fully aware of the process by which each has arrived at a decision....


When Handling a Grievance

July 4, 2024

Be sure that you: Distinguish between facts and allegations, and investigate every allegation thoroughly. Do not make a decision based upon assumptions. Check opinions for accuracy before making a decision. Distinguish between serious and minor offenses. Follow the concepts of corrective discipline. Are sure the penalty fits the offense....


WAN Accelerator requirements and design considerations

July 3, 2024

Requirements Application Oriented Wide-area Data Services (WDS) Superset of Current Categories Solves Remote Office Problems Storage-oriented Remote office backup Disaster recovery with “normal” WAN (DS-3 or slower) Disaster recovery with “high-speed” WAN (OC-3 to OC-12) Remote office data backup Data replication to DR site Datacenter Network-Centric Problems: Solutions Focus...

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TSM Remote Backup to BCRS Disaster Recovery

July 2, 2024

Customer Requirements:  Solution: TSM Remote Backup to BCRS Recovery Site Primary site is declared failed by IBM

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Knowledge Capture and Sharing Policy and Process

July 1, 2024

Knowledge Capture and Sharing Policy and Process.doc Download file here… from a .zip file
