compliances , policies , security

Field Notes RMAN shared_pool_size requirements

June 4, 2024

Following shows that RMAN needs 13.49981689453125 MB of shared_pool_size in order to run

The initial setting was 20 MB shared pool free, RMAN failed to allocate memory from shared pool.

By subtracting the free size before and after ran, it is found RMAN needs about 13.5 MB of shared_pool

select * from v$sgastat where name = ‘free memory’ and pool = ‘shared pool’;

   POOL         NAME           BYTES
———— ———– ——–
shared pool  free memory 10552632

RMAN failed immediately with memory allocation error

$ rman target /

ORACLE error from target database:
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 41152 bytes of shared memory (“shared pool”,”DBMS_RCVMAN”,”PL/SQL MPCODE”,”BAMIMA: Bam Buffer”)
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: “SYS.DBMS_RCVMAN”

error executing package DBMS_RCVMAN in TARGET database

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
RMAN-06429: TARGET database is not compatible with this version of RMAN

select component, current_size/1024/1024 mb, max_size from

Please note that shared pool memory won’t free immediately after RMAN completion.

This is normal behavior. If RMAN failed to run with similar error again, either adjust the shared_pool_size to larger, or pin its package to shared pool.

Alternatively, set shared_pool_reserved_size to 13.5 MB, or some value which will helps depending on database usage.


COMPONENT                              MB       MAX_SIZE
——————————                ———- ———-
shared pool                                  84          0
large pool                                    0          0
java pool                                      24          0
streams pool                                0          0
DEFAULT buffer cache                  48          0
KEEP buffer cache                                    0          0
RECYCLE buffer cache                 0                       0
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache            0          0
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache            0          0
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache            0          0
DEFAULT 16K buffer cache          0          0
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache          0          0
ASM Buffer Cache                                    0          0

Shrink java_pool_size to free up 8 MB, and add it into shared_pool_size

select * from v$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY;


select component, current_size/1024/1024 mb, min_size/1024/1024 min_size, max_size from V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS where component in ( ‘java pool’ , ‘shared pool’ );

———– — ———- ———-
shared pool 84         84          0
java pool   24         24          0

alter system set java_pool_size = 16m;

select * from v$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY;


alter system set shared_pool_size = 92m;

select component, current_size/1024/1024 mb, min_size/1024/1024 min_size, max_size from V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS where component in ( ‘java pool’ , ‘shared pool’ );

———– — ———- ———-
shared pool  92         84          0
java pool    16         16          0 Now RMAN is able to run. After RMAN executed, check free shared pool memory again

select * from v$sgastat where name = ‘free memory’ and pool = ‘shared pool’;
———— ———– ———-
shared pool free memory 4785656

So RMAN shared pool memory usage is
10552632 + 8192*1024 – 4785656
= 14155584 bytes
= 13.49981689453125 MB