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Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) Compliance Reports

October 3, 2023

All government agencies, government contractors, and organizations that deal and exchange data with government systems must follow FISMA compliance guidelines. Organizations have to monitor, retain and maintain audit records of all security events as per FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act).

The objective of FISMA compliance is to ensure that Federal departments and agencies observe measures to mitigate the security risks to critical data.

EventLog Analyzer generates reports for the controls specified in the FIPS Publication 200, Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems. This standard specifies minimum security requirements for federal information and information systems in seventeen security-related areas.

Audit and Accountability (AU) – Object Access

  • Object Accessed
  • Object Created
  • Object Modified
  • Object Deleted
  • Object Handle

Access Control (AC) – Logon

  • Successful User Logons
  • Successful User Logoffs
  • Unsuccessful User Logons
  • Terminal Service Session
Certification, Accreditation, and Security Assessments (CA) – Security Assessment
  • Windows Services
Contingency Planning (CP) – Contingency Planning
  • Windows Backup
  • Windows Restore
Identification and Authentication (IA) – User Access
  • Individual User Action
Configuration Management (CM) – Configuration Management
  • Windows Software Updates
  • Anti-malwares
  • Other Software