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Configure an IDRAC v9

July 31, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip Configure an IDRAC v9.docx

compliances , data-center-soc-noc , policies , security

DB2 Server Database Overview

July 30, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip DB2 Server Database Overview.docx

compliances , policies , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

Local Storage Options

July 29, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip Local Storage Options.docx

compliances , policies , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

Field Notes DataFort Clusters

July 28, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip Field Notes DataFort Clusters.doc

compliances , policies , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

DataFort Encryption Design Document

July 27, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip DataFort Encryption Design Document.doc

compliances , policies , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

Field Notes DataFort Clusters

July 26, 2023

Field Notes DataFort Clusters.doc Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip

compliances , policies , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

Autosys Agent Performance

July 25, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip Autosys Agent Performance.doc

compliances , policies , sample-it-spreadsheets , security

Quantum Deduplication Basics

July 24, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Blob4.zip Great slide deck and how things have changed Quantum_Deduplication Basics.ppt

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Sample – HIECP Pilot Analysis Groups

July 23, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip HIECP Pilot Analysis Groups.xls

compliances , policies , security , visio-stencils

SSAE16 Physical Controls Data Collection Policy

July 22, 2023

Download file here…. .zip SSAE16 Physical Controls Data Collection Policy.docx

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Sample EEHR Integration Assessment

July 21, 2023


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Sample – AllScripts Intake Configuration Specifications

July 20, 2023


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Sample – Ambulatory Care AOD Checklist – Code ID Preparation and Response

July 18, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Ambulatory Care AOD Checklist – Code ID Preparation and Response.docx

compliances , data-center-soc-noc , policies , security

Tivoli Business Systems Manager Architecture

July 17, 2023

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Sample – HIECP Pilot Project Charter

July 15, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip HIECP Pilot Project Charter.docx

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Sample – Citrix Smooth Roaming – Miditech POC Use Cases

July 14, 2023


compliances , health-care-hipaa-hitech-hitech , security

Sample – HealthCare Application Assessment

July 13, 2023

The first choice for authentication is AD, then ED and then internal to the application with / SSO. ACIS/Cerner    This application is a candidate to keep its local ID store and utilize Enterprise SSO for authentication. Users must login to Citrix and then the application, which make it a...

compliances , security , visio-stencils , web-services

What happens when you access a website from Windows

July 12, 2023

The following is a visual representation of the technologies, mechanisms and security that play into accessing a website. Its not like 100% accurate but it should give you a good idea.

compliances , policies , security , visio-stencils

Visio – Imprivata GUI Layout

July 11, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Visio – Imprivata GUI Layout.pdf

compliances , policies , security , visio-stencils

HealthCare STAR Ratings

July 10, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip HealthCare STAR Ratings.doc

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Managing Backup and Restore Policy

July 9, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Managing Backup and Restore Policy.docx

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Information Classification Scheme

July 8, 2023

Download file here…. .zip Information Classification Scheme.docx

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SSAE16 Physical Controls Data Collection

July 7, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip SSAE16 Physical Controls Data Collection.docx

compliances , policies , security , visio-stencils

Managing Backup and Restore Policy

July 6, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Managing Backup and Restore Policy.docx

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Sample – Logging and Audit Policy

July 5, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Logging and Audit Policy.docx

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Sample – Monitoring Security Systems Policy

July 4, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Monitoring Security Systems Policy.docx

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Information Security Standard

July 3, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Information Security Standard.docx

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Sample – Information Handling Requirements

July 2, 2023

Download file here…. .zip https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Information Handling Requirements.docx

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Sample – POC Roaming Desktop Product – SSO AA Test Cases

July 1, 2023

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Sample SSAE-16 Operations

July 1, 2023

Download here… .zip file https://bestitdocuments.com/Samples/Blob/Zscaler.zip Sample SSAE-16 Operations.doc
