compliances , policies , security

Sample – Education Project Summary

August 2, 2016

Education Outcomes

For relevant parts of the community the outcomes of a successful project would include some or all of the following:

  • The project partners in corporate and embed the outputs and outcomes into their work
  • A greater awareness of the rights issues involved in information objects and digital repositories
  • A greater sense of empowerment when dealing with rights issues generally
  • Feeling more able to negotiate with rights holders more effectively
  • Increased advocacy for dealing with rights issues in information object repositories
  • Ability to manage digital content in a more sustainable manner
  • Greater awareness of how a repository of information objects may fit into the work of an institution
  • A re-evaluation of the role of content in teaching
  • Understanding the concept of the lifecycle of a digital asset
  • Adopting a more long term and strategic attitude to the management of digital teaching and information materials
  • Taking more realistic attitudes to the costs, benefits and risks of operating a digital repository of information objects
  • Increased sharing and collaboration between repositories, institutions and individuals
  • Greater sharing of information materials in the educational and training sectors
  • Rights holders feeling more confidence and trust in information object repositories
  • Better ability to identify and control the risk to institutions
  • Increasing use of a growing set of community resources such as, policy documents, contracts, protocols, licenses, standards and metadata etc. across the sector helping to provide a more sustainable and trusted DRM regime (possibly with associated support groups)


Stakeholder Analysis

StakeholderInterest / stakeImportance
Representatives and participantsThe materials they produce and the materials they use. Their relationships to each other and their employers. RemunerationHigh
Authors and their representative bodiesTheir public image and reputation. Moral Rights. Copyright. RemunerationMedium
Publishers, media design companies and their representative bodies. Supported enterprise organisations for the media and knowledge economyCopyright, Remuneration. Public image. Future strategic planning   Strategic planning and support  Medium       Medium
Institutional Managers (Principals, Secretaries, Heads of IS) and Legal Officers (Data protection etc)Risk. Legal Compliance. Cost benefit analysis of any proposals. Strategic analysis and planning at institutional levels. Knowledge management and exploitationHigh
National Educational Funding BodiesStrategic planning & developmentMedium
Librarians and Information Managers in the UHI, Ulster and the participantsMetadata creation and maintenance, legal issues, information resource collection and provision and managementHigh
Information Systems Developers in the organization and the participantsGetting the metadata to ‘talk’ to, IT, MIS, and Library and Repository systemsHigh
Metadata and Educational Technical Standards Organisations & CommunityCompliance, best practice, future development, interoperability developmentMedium
Communities associated with; Open Source, Open Archives, Creative Commons.Advocacy materials and case studies, PR opportunitiesMedium
Staff development bodiesStrategic planningMedium