
Transition Server Build Checklist

June 7, 2016

Server build requirements, objectives, assumptions, dependencies, completion criteria, timeline review completed.

Server build issues / exceptions with technical solution identified and documented as appropriate (issues, action items, risks, etc…).

Server build exceptions and solutions to issues with technical solution agreement completed.


Server Build

Server build documenting operating system build and configuration completed.

Notify application owners after build completed – verify current configuration matches build requirements.

Server build documenting operating system build provided to support team.


Server Build Information

Server Image location information, as available like OSP team OS images and install process.

Monitoring / Admin Tools Documentation published – Website URL, and contact information provided.


Server build information provided to support team


Server Security

Initial security Health check scan (automatic or manual) per servers build with compliance with governing security document.



1.    Each factory manager has a defined list of their production lines

2.    Each manager knows the number of steps required to produce their end product

3.    The workflow is defined through MS project and validated by the validation team

4.    Once the integrated project plan is baselined, transition is a fixed schedule with minimal unknowns

5.    We can determine if we were ahead or behind schedule by reviewing task completion dates