Sample – Clinical Vendor Proof of Concept Criteria

  1. Understand Clinical workflows
  2. Understand the emphasis on Security
    • User enrollment , provisioning / de-provisioning (integration with Active Directory)
    • Password management (self service)
    • Auditing / reporting
    • Flexible and strong two factor authentication
  3. Vendor
  4. Capacities
  5.  Viability (longevity, experience, financials, market standing)
    • Product
    • Ease of use,
    • Ease of maintenance / customer support (help desk, customer support / vendor support required)
    • Co-location Scalability
    • Operational overhead
    • Application Extensibility
    • Developer resources required
    • Enterprise deployment
    • Extent of training required
  6. Vendor Scorecard format
  7. Vendor Scorecard ranking
  8. Vendor Selection