compliances , security , web-services

Sample – PKI Business Objectives

April 3, 2013

PKI Objectives

Provide information and analysis to enable a selection of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) strategy and begin implementation of a PKI.

Specific Results

  • Analysis of alternative PKI approaches
  • Strategic advantages and disadvantages
  • Industry best practices

Analysis of specific vendor PKI offerings

  • Strategic advantages and disadvantages
  • Support of specific features of interest


  • PKI Requirements and Evaluation Criteria
  • Mandatory criteria
  • Desirable criteria
  • Reference accounts

Public Key Infrastructure Strategy and Product Analysis Report (formal report, formal presentation deliverable)

  • Overview of PKI requirements
  • Mandatory criteria
  • Desirable criteria

PKI component model (analysis of alternatives, best practices)

  • Components (certificate authority, certificate repository, etc.)
  • Process map
  • Standards / APIs
  • PKI management tools
  • Policies / procedures

PKI product analysis

  • Overview of product offerings
  • Mapping of products to PKI component model
  • Comparison matrix evaluating products against mandatory and desirable criteria


  • Strategic direction
  • Buy / build trade-off factors
  • Open / proprietary trade-off factors
  • Solution / product maturity factors
  • Refinements to implementation strategy for student registration project
  • Next steps
  • Vendor literature
  • PKI references