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application , compliances , itil , security

Sample ITIL – Business Requirements for Application Performance Management

September 7, 2012

SLA / OLA Application Monitoring Detect and view network and application activity and volume outside the normal performance range. Create alerts for when a: New, Unknown, Rogue application hits the network. Develop a deep understanding of application’s performance over time, with the in-depth metrics for: Transaction time, Server response...

application , business , compliances , security

Sample ITIL – Service Level Management (SLM) Policy

September 6, 2012

The policies for Service Level Management are as follows: Formal processes, procedures, and guidelines must be documented, consistently followed, and enforced for the Service Level Management process. A Service Catalog shall be developed and maintained to list all of the services being provided by the Individual Business Unit, a...

application , business , compliances , security

Sample – Oracle SLA / OLA Server Response Time Monitoring Considerations

September 6, 2012

The following SLA / OLA Oracle Server Counters are supported by Oracle version 10g or higher: Number of active connections Buffer Cache Hit Ratio CPU Usage Per Second CPU Usage Per Transaction Current Logons Count Current Open Cursors Count Current OS Load Cursor Cache Hit Ratio Database CPU Time...

application , compliances , security , visio-stencils

Sample Visio – Mainframe Virtualization Architecture

September 5, 2012

Free Vision Document Download Mainframe Virtualization Architecture https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

application , business , compliances , security

Sample – Useful Interbase queries

September 5, 2012

Interbase is a high performance, multiplatform and scalable relational database. Below are some common queries you can use. SELECT TMP$ATTACHMENTS FROM TMP$DATABASE Number of active connections (SMALLINT)  SELECT TMP$STATEMENTS FROM TMP$DATABASE Number of compiled statements (INTEGER)  SELECT TMP$ALLOCATED_PAGES FROM TMP$DATABASE Pages allocated to all database files (INTEGER)  SELECT TMP$POOLS...

compliances , o-s , security , visio-stencils

Sample Visio – IBM Mainframe High Level Architecture

September 4, 2012

Free Vision Document Download IBM Mainframe High Level Architecture https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples

compliances , security , visio-stencils

Sample Visio – Symantec Veritas – SAN, NAS Unix Storage Migrator Process Flow

September 4, 2012

Free Visio, document download SAN, NAS Unix Storage Migrator Process Flow

application , compliances , security

How do you create a competitive business advantage ?

September 4, 2012

Create distinctive competencies? Build superior customer value or lower costs? Foster superior market share and profitability? All of the above? How do you create a competitive advantage ? Integrated actions, that produce sustainable advantages over competitors Where do you Start ? Use a critical success factor approach Identify areas...

application , business , compliances , security

Symantec Veritas – Storage Migrator Process Unix Clients and Unix Storage Migrator (SM) Server

September 3, 2012

Benefits:  Able to increase the amount of available disk space by moving old, unused data to tape. Will decrease the amount of data needed to be backed up. Basically transparent to the end user. Automated, based on pre-determined criteria.  Disadvantages:  It is Unix only. There are a few minute...

application , business , compliances , security

NetApp Storage Virtualization & Archive Service Cost Comparison

September 2, 2012

It is estimated that 40-50% of data residing on Tier 1 NAS filers located at the Units is inactive and rarely accessed.  Moving inactive data to less expensive storage will reduce disk storage costs and free existing Tier1 storage for growth of more-active data. Based on Performance, Security and...

application , compliances , policies , security

Sample Word – Suggested Secure Media Destruction Standards

September 1, 2012

Free Word document download.  Suggested Secure Media Destruction Standards https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples
