Storage Systems is a service to archive data stored on NAS disk filers at Company Business Units. This service will reduce disk storage costs by moving inactive or infrequently-accessed data to less expensive disk storage and tape backups located at the IDN (Internal Data Network).
NAS (Network-attached storage) Storage Virtualization & Archiving Service
There are four charge rates for the archiving service: archive server, archived disk storage, tape backup and long-term tape retention.
- Archive Server—one of two models of the archive server must reside at each unit location, depending on the amount of data stored on the Unit NAS filer. The monthly charge is $1,500 or $2,000 and includes the hardware, software, annual maintenance and 7×24 support. Storage Systems will review each unit’s requirements to determine which model is required.
- Disk Storage—the charge for archived data residing on low-cost disk at the IDN is $1.00/GB per month; a copy of the data is also replicated to an offsite location for disaster backup. Daily backups for two weeks and five weekly backups are included in the charge; these backups are snapshots of the archived data that allows for the recovery of data that may be inadvertently deleted or corrupted.
- Tape Backup—at the request of the data owner the archived data can be copied to backup tape on a monthly basis and retained for two months at a charge of $.25 per GB backed up per month. In addition, the data owner can request a duplicate copy of the backup tape be stored offsite for disaster recovery purposes at an additional charge of $.25 per GB backed up per month.
- Long-term Tape Retention—tape backups can be retained longer than two months for an additional charge of $.10 per month for each GB stored on tape. In addition, the data owner can request a duplicate copy of the backup tape be stored offsite for disaster recovery purposes at an additional charge of $.10/GB per month.
To determine estimated costs for budgeting purposes each business unit must estimate the number of GB of archived data that will reside on disk, how many GB will be backed up to tape, how many copies of tape backup are needed, and how long the tape backups will be retained.
A Word about Backups
One copy of the archived data resides on the archived disk storage at the IDN and a duplicate copy resides at an IDN offsite disaster backup location. The daily and weekly snapshots (referenced in section above) allow for the restoration of deleted files up to five weeks after they were deleted. Beyond 5 weeks, the data cannot be recovered unless the data owner had requested a tape backup.
The default retention for tape data is three months. Tape data can be retained longer if the data owner requested retention beyond three months.
Data owners should carefully review the importance of their archived data and the impact of someone inadvertently deleting or corrupting their data. If the disk snapshots are adequate, no further action is necessary. Tape backup will retain the data for a total of two months; if longer retention is required, then long-term tape retention should be considered.