application , compliances , networking , security , web-services


March 22, 2011

Issues and suggested remediation:



6.5.1: Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Testing of parameters before inclusion.
6.5.2: Injection Flaws
Testing of input to verify user data cannot modify meaning of commands and queries.
6.5.3: Malicious File Execution
Validate input to verify application does not accept filenames or files from users.
6.5.4: Insecure Direct Object Reference
Do not expose internal object references to users.
6.5.5: Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Do not reply on authorization credentials and tokens automatically submitted by browsers.
6.5.6: Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling
Do not leak information via error messages or other means.
6.5.7: Broken Authentication and Session Management
Properly authenticate users and protect account credentials and session tokens.
6.5.8: Insecure Cryptographic Storage
Prevent cryptographic flaws.
6.5.9: Insecure Communications
Properly encrypt all authenticated and sensitive communications.
6.5.10: Failure to Restrict URL Access
Consistently enforce access control in presentation layer and business logic for all URLs.