
Sample Solaris – OS Installation Build Procedures

January 3, 2011

Sample Ultra – OS Installation Procedures

The following steps include information about installing and hardening the Operating System.

Power On

          As soon as the Initialize Memory starts press STOP A
          The OK prompt appears
          Insert the Solaris 8 Server Configuration CD ROM
          At the OK prompt type boot cdrom – w
          Wait for install to start

OS Installation

          Select Language, press 0 for English
          Solaris Install Program, press F2 to continue
          Identify this system, press F2 to continue
          Host name, type the machine’s host name, press F2 to continue
          Network Connection, under Networked select Yes, press F2 to continue
          IP Address, type the machine’s IP Address, press F2 to continue
          Confirm Information, press F2 to continue
          Name Service, select none, press F2 to continue
          Confirm Information, press F2 to continue
          Subnets, System Part of a subnet select Yes, press F2 to continue
          Netmask, type, press F2 to continue
          Time Zone, regions select United States, press F2 to continue
          Time Zone, select Mountain, press F2 to continue
          Date and Time, accept defaults, press F2 to continue
          Confirm Information, press F2 to continue
          Solaris Interactive Installation, press F4 to Initialize, press F2 to continue
          Allocate Client Services, press F2 to continue
          Select Language, press F2 to continue
          Select 64 Bit, uncheck, press F2 to continue
          Select Software, select Developer Software, press F2 to continue
          Preserve Data, press F2 to continue
          Automatically Layout File System, check /, /var, swap, press F2 to continue
          File System and Disk Layout, press F2 to continue
          Select Disk to Customize, select c0t0d0, press F2 to continue
          Customize Disk c0t0d0, make changes to match settings below


Slice          Mount Point                            Size (MB)
0                /                                               5643
1                SWAP                                      1024
2                overlap                                     8693
3                /var                                          1024

Press F2 to continue
          Select Disk to Customize, select c0t1d0, press F2 to continue (*server may only have one disk drive)
          Customize Disk c0t1d0, make changes to match settings below
Slice          Mount Point                            Size (MB)
0                /var/opt/CPfw1-41/logs           5643
1               &
2                overlap                                                8693
3                                                                1024

Press F2 to continue
          Select Disk to Customize, press F2 to continue
          File Disk Layout, press F2 to continue
          Mount Remote File System, press F2 to continue
          Profile, press F2 to continue
          Warning for change to Boot Device, press F2 to continue
          Reboot after Install, press F2 to continue
          Wait for about 20 minutes for install to complete


Harden OS

          Assign password for root
          Select NO to conserve energy
          Select NO to ask the question again
          Log in as ROOT

Create a directory called /var/fwadmin
          Type cd /var
          Type mkdir fwadmin
          Type cd fwadmin
          Insert floppy labeled harden script
          Type copy /floppy/floppy0/harden
          Type ./harden

Harden Script Runs
          Do you wish to install SAR? Select Y
          Do you want to continue with installation of (SUNMaccr)? Select Y
          Do you want to install these as setuid /setgid file? Select Y
          Do you want to continue with installation? Select Y

Comment out all unneeded services
          Type cd /etc/inet
          Type copy inetd.conf inet.conf.org
          Type vi inetd.conf
          Delete the first 11 lines
          Move cursor below the word Telnet
          Hit Shift:
          Type .,$d (deletes the rest of the lines below Telnet)
          Type :wq!

Remove Comment for Console Line
          Type vi /etc/default/login
          Move cursor to CONSOLE=dev/console
          Insert the # symbol
          Type :wq!

Disable more services
          Type cd 0tclrc2.d
          Type mv S71rpc notused.S71rpc (disables RPC daemons)
          Type mv S99dtlogin notused.S99dtlogin (disables CDE log in)
          Type rm S74owtofs
          Type rm S73nfs.client
          Type rm S92volmgt
          Type vi /etc/services
          Add SSH entry
          Under telnet type ssh hit the tab key type 22/tcp
          Type :wq!
          Type vi /etc/default/ftpd
          Enter BANNER=””
          >Type :wq!
          Type vi /etc/default/telnetd
          Enter BANNER=””
          Type :wq!
          Type crontab –e
          Add 15 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate –s
          Type eject cdrom
          Type reboot

Log on
          Type mkdir /opt/sw-depot
          Type cd /opt/sw-depot

Open an FTP session to the ftp server that has software Patches and 3rd part apps
          Type bin
          Type hass
          Type mget *

GNUgcc? Press Y
GNUzip? Press Y
titan? Press Y
perl? Press Y
ssh-1.2.30? Press Y
tcp_wrappers? Press Y
wu-ftpd? Press Y
7_recommended? Press Y
.profile? Press Y
.kshrc? Press Y

          Type vi /etc/passwd

Change line root:x:0:1:Super_User:/:/sbin/sh to          root:x:0:1:Super_User:/:/bin/ksh
          Type :wq!
          Type  cp /opt/sw-depot/.profile .
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/.kshrc .
          Type chmod 700 .kshrc
          Type exit

Log on
          Type cd /tmp
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/7*
          Type which unzip
          Type unzip *.zip

          Type rm *.zip
          Type cd 7.*
          Type ./install_cluster
          Ready to continue? Select Y

Wait about 30 minutes
          Type cd /tmp
          Type  rm –R 7*

Log on
          Type cd /tmp
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/GNU* .
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/perl* .
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/top* .
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/wu* .
          Type tar –xvf ./GNUzip*
          Type rm GNUzip1.2.*.tar
          Type pkgadd –d .
          Press Enter to select all packages
          After install type Q to quit
          Type  rm –R GNUzip
          Type  which gunzip
          Type gunzip *.tgz
          Type  tar –xvf GNU*.tar
          Type rm GNU*.tar
          Type  tar –xvf top*.tar
          Type rm top*.tar
          Type  tar –xvf perl*.tar
          Type rm perl*.tar
          Type  tar –xvf wu*.tar
          Type rm wu*.tar
          Type pkgadd –d
          Press Enter to select all packages

          Do you want to install thes as setuid/set
gid? Select Y
          After install type Q to quit
          Type rm –R GNU* perl* top wu*

Log on
          Type  cd /tmp
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/tcp* .
          Type cp /opt/sw-depot/ssh* .
          Type gunzip ssh*.gz
          Type  tar –xvf *.tar
          Type rm ssh*.tar
          Type gunzip tcp*.gz
          Type tar –xvf *.tar
          Type rm tcp*.tar
          Type cd /tcp*
          Type vi Makefile
          Search for STYLE=DPROCESS_OPTIONS # Enable Language Options
          Remove # symbol from beginning of line
          Search for SYSV.4 Solaris2xOS Fault
          The next line should be REAL_DAEMON_DIR=/usr/sbin
          Remove # from beginning of line
          Type :wq!
          Type  make sunos5
          Type cp tcpd /usr/sbin
          Type cp safe_finger /usr/sbin
          Type cp tcpdchk /usr/sbin
          Type cp tcpdmatch /usr/sbin
          Type cp try-from /usr/sbin
          Type cd ../ssh
          Type . /configure—without-x
          Type make
          Type make install
          Type vi /etc/inetd/inetd.conf
          Add the following entry
          Ssh      stream  tcp       nowaitroot      /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/sbin/sshd -I
          Add # symbol in front of ftp and telnet
          Type :wq!
          Type  ps –e | grep inetd
          Type kill –1 (process id)
