Our documents are based on successfully executed projects which save you time and money.

Imperva – Port Usage

October 23, 2010

Imperva – Port Usage Port Protocol Description 443 TCP HTTPS – Web console 80 TCP HTTPS – Imperva Update Server 22 TCP SSH – Remote Management 8083 TCP Proxy – Appliance Agent communications 53 UDP DNS Server 123 UDP NTP Server 514 UDP Syslog Server 162 UDP SNMP Trap...


IBM Guardium Appliance Port Usage

October 17, 2010

IBM Guardium Appliance port usage Database Server to Collector Appliance: Port Protocol Description 16016 TCP Linux/UNIX only, both directions, STAP (the probe installed on the database servers) registration, heartbeat, & data 16018 TCP Encrypted:Linux/UNIX only, both directions, STAP registration, heartbeat, & data 8075 UDP Windows only, both directions, STAP...


Suggested Security Architecture Overview

October 8, 2010

The security architecture is the layout and design of hardware employed to protect private networks. Best practices dictate that the architecture of a private network linked to the internet be divided by four distinct barriers: front – end firewall, proxy server, web server and back-end-firewall. These barriers are ordered...


Impact of the Internet

October 7, 2010

Impact on Business When the Internet first came to the workplace it was looked upon as though it was almost a toy.  People would talk about how fun it was and all the cool things they could find on the web.  It wasn’t long before browsing became far more...


Business Requirements for Network Performance

October 4, 2010

Look for a complete picture of the network performance across both the WAN and the LAN regardless of network technology • Measure and verify key service level parameters including latency, availability, packet loss and jitter from an independent, third party point of view. • Monitor key performance indicators including...


Windows 2008 Security Guide

October 3, 2010

Windows 2008 Security Guide Windows Server 2008 Security Guide https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples


Linux System Administration Commands

October 1, 2010

Compression/decompression utilities (software installation): compress <file>                      compress -d <file>.Z (or uncompress <file>.Z) gzip <file>                                gzip -d <file>.gz (or gunzip <file>.gz) tar cvf <device> <files>         tar xvf <device>.tar System Shutdown: reboot halt shutdown [-h now] [-r now] User Management: 1.  To add a user  (a) adduser: add a new user...
