Goal Setting Info

Healthy organizations have goals at all levels.

Both organizations and individuals need to manage their affairs against goals




Hard, specific goals, if accepted by the individual, will lead to increased team performance.


Teams outperform individuals acting alone or in larger organizational groupings, especially when performance requires multiple skills, judgments and experiences.

By focusing on performance and team basics (size, purpose, goals, skills, approach and accountability), as opposed to trying to become a team, most small groups can deliver the performance results that require and produce team behavior.

Significant performance challenges energize teams regardless of where they are in an organization.

Real teams are deeply committed to their purpose, goals and approach.  High performance team members are also very committed to one another.

Discipline within the team creates the conditions for success

Shape a common purpose

Agree on performance goals

Define a common working approach

Develop complementary working skills

Hold themselves mutually accountable

Real teams do not develop until the people in them work hard to overcome barriers that stand in the way of collective performance.