
Sample Help Desk Consolidation Project

March 12, 2010

The help desk consolidation project will start with an assessment of the existing Help Desk structure, and include the collection of the current staffing model, organization chart, the flow and management of incidents and reporting, review of the tiered support model, review of the volume and types of incidents, review of the amount of time for closing incidents, the incident management tool being used, and other metrics to help determine the efficiencies of the service being delivered by the Help Desk.

The benefits typically encountered with Help Desk Consolidation projects include:

  • Alignment of new processes to the consolidated environment
  • Improved and more efficient staffing model (head count, organization, workflow)
  • Improvements of incident management under the new organization
  • Assessment of the current toolset and its ability to provide proper workflow
  • Improvement of reported metrics including incident response, lowered number of incidents

This project has direct ties to the operating procedures and governing procedures that will be developed and delivered by the new data center. End-user satisfaction and business unit satisfaction will have a higher degree of confidence when contacting a Help Desk that has aligned its processes with the new data center. Typical annual savings seen in the industry for help desk consolidation efforts range from 15%-25%.