Quick overview of HTTP Request messages
March 5, 2010OPTIONS Request information about available options
GET Retrieve document identified in URL
HEAD Retrieve meta information about document identified in URL
POST Give information (e.g., annotation) to server
PUT Store document under specified URL
DELETE Delete specified URL
TRACE Loopback request message
CONNECT For use by proxies
HTTP response codes
1xx Informational Request received, continuing process
2xx Success Action successfully received, understood, and accepted
3xx Redirection Further action must be taken to complete the request
Web Server redirects activity to another server / location
4xx Client error Request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled Web Pages renamed or moved
5xx Server error Server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request Web Hosting / Administrative issues
Not Modified 304
If the client has done a conditional GET and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified since the date and time specified in If-Modified-Since field, the server responds with a 304 status code and does not send the document body to the client.
Response headers are as if the client had sent a HEAD request, but limited to only those headers which make sense in this context. This means only headers that are relevant to cache managers and which may have changed independently of the document’s Last-Modified date. Examples include Date, Server and Expires.
The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of local cache information (including relevant meta information) without requiring the overhead of multiple HTTP requests (e.g. a HEAD followed by a GET) and minimizing the transmittal of information already known by the requesting client (usually a caching proxy).
Transport issues in HTTP
- Number of TCP connections
- HTTP 1.0:
- Separate connection for each embedded object of web page
- Multiple parallel connections
- HTTP 1.1:
Persistent connections and pipelining
- Trade-offs with HTTP 1.0?
- Web caching
- Browser caching vs. proxy caching
- HTTP responses can be redirected to cache from server, or from intermediate router
- Servers assign “EXPIRES” header field to web pages, instructing caches for expiration date
- Or, caches/clients can use HEAD request, or conditional GET request
- Web caching
- WWW – Caching Web pages
- Downloading HTML documents from servers can be slow due to a number of conditions:
- Parts of the Internet can be congested
- Dialup connection is typically very slow, 33Kbps or 56Kbps
- Web server can have a lot of clients connecting to it at the same time, causing it to be overloaded.
- If a user returns to previous HTML document, then this could require downloading the document from the server again.
- A browser can hold copies of recently visited pages. This avoids having to download pages again.
- An organization can use a HTTP proxy that caches documents for multiple users. Thus improving the speed at which pages can be displayed on each user computer.
- Downloading HTML documents from servers can be slow due to a number of conditions: