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Sample Visio – Storage Stencils

May 17, 2009

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Operating System Defacement statistics

May 15, 2009

48581 time(s)               “Windows“       which is 58.184% of all defacements 16976 time(s)                 “Linux”             which is 21.844% of all defacements 2762 time(s)                 “Unknown”       which is 8.649% of all  defacements 2242 time(s)                 “Solaris”           which is 3.889% of all  defacements 8275...

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TCP/IP Address Resolution

May 10, 2009

Windows order of resolution: NetBIOS WINS Broadcast LM Hosts Hosts DNS Hosts Local Hosts DNS Cache WINS Broadcast LM Hosts https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples/


Tons of Bytes

May 4, 2009

Lots of Bytes When you start talking about lots of bytes, you get into prefixes like kilo, mega and giga, as in kilobyte, megabyte and gigabyte (also shortened to K, M and G, as in Kbytes, Mbytes and Gbytes or KB, MB and GB). The following table shows the...


Download PC – MacIntosh Documentation

May 1, 2009

AppleTalk Reference: Protocol Suite Macintosh.zip https://www.bestitdocuments.com/Samples/
