Did you know?

Interesting tidbits of information:

E-mails, contracts, and PowerPoint files account for 80 percent of corporate information.

71% Use Email to Negotiate Contracts and Agreements

69% Use Email to Exchange Invoices, Statements, and Payment Information

93% Use Email to Communicate with Customers.

38% Use Email to Respond to Regulators

44% Use Email to File with Official Bodies

35% Use Separate Back-End System for Email Retention

23% Use Records Management System for Managing Email

34% Use Document Management System for Managing Email

40% Use Email Management and Archiving Software

There are currently over 10,000 U.S. federal, state, and local laws and regulations addressing what, how, when and why records must be created, stored, accessed, maintained, and retained over increasingly longer periods of time.

The Education sector accounted for the majority of data breaches with 30%, followed by Government (26%) and Healthcare (15%) – almost half of breaches (46%) were due to theft or loss with hacking only accounting for 16%.

Hacking resulted in 73% of identities being exposed

1:400 emails contain confidential information
1:50 network files are wrongly exposed
Breaches on the rise
2005:107 companies exposed 56M individual data records
2006: In 6 months, 40 companies and government agencies have exposed nearly 30M individual data records

IT Professionals need to address mission-critical administration concerns with in-depth, concise coverage. Some sample topics would be:

Defending the company’s sensitive information against security problems

Neutralizing the threat of computer viruses

Identifying potentially disastrous hardware conflicts

Unlocking the hidden usefulness of Windows NT utilities

Creating seamless Windows NT and Unix interoperability

Integrating emerging Internet technologies with your network