Are you the Next Target?

They’re after you, who are they?

  1. Competitors
  2. Disgruntled employees
  3. Upset customers
  4. Hackers out for a lark
  5.  Hactivists
  6. Cartels that can buy the latest gadgets and best brainpower
  7. Hostile foreign governments / nations

Your organization may not be a specific target, just on that had a few vulnerabilities as it was probed. Make you not want to sleep at night if you’re worried about protected your networks.

Remain ever vigilant. For-warned is forearmed
Unlimited and constant Internet connection for all employees invites trouble. New Malicious code is

Unlimited and constant Internet connection for all employees invites trouble. New Malicious code is introduced daily into the Internet. This constant connection, give intruders more time to find vulnerabilities and gain access.

  1. Hire subject matter experts
  2. Buy business continuity insurance
  3. Reassign and train internal personnel
  4. Contract for specific services, retraining central IT to control specialized resources internally

Information Operations; When used in concert, their sum is far more powerful than the individual components, creating a powerful (deterrent) means towards attaining and maintaining a competitive advantage.