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networking , security

Short list of IEEE Standards

February 26, 2009

802.1 Internetworking 802.2 Logical Link Control 802.3 CMSA/CD or Ethernet 802.4 Token Bus LAN 802.5 Token Ring LAN 802.6 Metropolitan Area Network or MAN 802.7 Broadband Technical Advisory Group 802.8 Fiber-Optic Technical Advisory Group 802.9 Integrated Voice/Data Networks 802.10 Network Security 802.11 Wireless Networks 802.12 Demand Priority Access LAN...


Useful Project Management Definitions

February 17, 2009

Accountability Matrix. See responsibility assignment matrix. Activity – An element of work performed during the course of a project. An activity normally has an expected duration, an expected cost, and expected resource requirements. Activities are often subdivided into tasks. Activity Definition – Identifying the specific activities that must be...

compliances , policies , security

Why should I bother with a Security Policy?

February 14, 2009

The image that most frequently comes to mind when discussing security is that of the great firewall standing guard at the opening to your network, fending off attacks from malevolent hackers. Although a firewall will play a crucial role, it is only a tool that should be part of...


Moving an Off-Screen Window

February 1, 2009

Sometimes a window will get positioned off of your screen where you can’t see the title bar. It is possible to move the window, and it’s not that hard to do. Just open the program that is giving you the problem, and do the following:  Press Alt + spacebar...
