What CEO’s need to be concerned about
January 20, 2009- Security Internet / External
- Shortage of key skills
- Industry consolidation
- Changes in type/level of competition
- Impact of the Internet
- Downward pressure prices
- Environment, health, and safety issues
- Change in supply/distribution systems
- Access to / cost of capital
- Changing technology
- Regulatory issues (labor, market access, etc)
- Effect of corruption
- Currency issues
- Stakeholder relations
- Pressure from institutional investors
- Instability in emerging markets
Consumer retail sites:
- Competitive product prices
- Well-designed product representation
- Good product selection
- Reliable shipping and handling
- On-time delivery
- Easy ordering
- High degree of customer support
- Valuable information about products
- Posted privacy policy
- User-friendly navigation tools
Business-to-business sites:
- On-time delivery
- Competitive product prices
- Well-designed product representation
- Good product selection
- Easy ordering
- Valuable information about products
- High degree of customer support
- Reliable shipping and handling
- Posted privacy policy
- User-friendly navigation tools