compliances , security

Sample – Infrastructure: Operations Support Policy

February 15, 2012


This policy defines the basic elements required for the Corporate Information Systems Operations Support.  


To obtain reasonable assurance that computer operations activities provide scheduled, monitored, and secured processing as well as the timely identification of problems. 


The scope of this policy includes all personnel, including external vendors, who have access to or are responsible for operating or maintaining the production systems for any and all systems located at the corporate facilities 


Management will implement automated scheduling tools to perform batch processing.

Automated job scheduling software allows management to schedule jobs based on a variety of factors including criticality, run-time, and capacity, etc.  For example, large jobs are usually run when the system is not running at peak capacity.  If invalid programs are executed or if valid programs are executed in the wrong sequence, invalid items may be recorded or valid items may be inaccurately or incompletely recorded.

Personnel access to the job processing software will be based upon user job responsibilities and verified to be appropriate on a recurring basis.

System access required to modify job scheduling software should be restricted to computer operations personnel.

All processing exceptions and errors will be recorded and reviewed by management.

Processing errors and exceptions, including job appends, should be automatically flagged for subsequent management review and follow up.  Job scheduling software and/or application system should automatically provide for: – resubmission of approved and corrected errors; – maintenance of error or aged transactions; – suspense queues and/or reports; – logs of executed programs; and – logs of processed and rejected transactions.

Management will establish a procedure to ensure that system problems are centrally recorded and monitored for timely resolution.

When users have problems, they should have a point of contact to ensure timely resolution. Following the reporting and recording of a problem, appropriate resolution activities should occur. The factors to ensure adequate problem resolution are: – Timeliness, through prioritization; – Scale, through commitment and allocation of adequate resources; – Integrity, through implementation of a suitable    solution without causing further problems; and – Monitoring, to permit escalation, if needed.

The rest of this is available through our purchasable document packages at: