business , security

What CEO’s need to be concerned about

January 20, 2009
  1. Security Internet / External
  2. Shortage of key skills
  3. Industry consolidation
  4. Changes in type/level of competition
  5. Impact of the Internet
  6. Downward pressure prices
  7. Environment, health, and safety issues
  8. Change in supply/distribution systems
  9. Access to / cost of capital
  10. Changing technology
  11. Regulatory issues (labor, market access, etc)
  12. Effect of corruption
  13. Currency issues
  14. Stakeholder relations
  15. Pressure from institutional investors
  16. Instability in emerging markets


Consumer retail sites:

  1. Competitive product prices                               
  2. Well-designed product representation
  3. Good product selection
  4. Reliable shipping and handling
  5. On-time delivery
  6. Easy ordering
  7. High degree of customer support
  8. Valuable information about products
  9. Posted privacy policy
  10. User-friendly navigation tools                                          

Business-to-business sites:

  1. On-time delivery
  2. Competitive product prices
  3. Well-designed product representation
  4. Good product selection
  5. Easy ordering
  6. Valuable information about products
  7. High degree of customer support
  8. Reliable shipping and handling
  9. Posted privacy policy
  10. User-friendly navigation tools