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A Road Map for Healthcare and Clinical Care Alignment

April 21, 2013

Corporate advocates for the kind of systemic change that will provide all Americans with affordable health care. We and our market-based organizations communicate with legislators at local, state and federal levels on important health care issues.

Healthcare faces significant challenges with regulatory impacts, consolidations and IT Organizations workforce shifts, including the potential for staff reductions in some areas with hiring and training in others, can be disruptive to both function and morale. Understanding and respect for the culture and priorities must be taken into account along with the needs of the system. The challenges of managing the changes implied by consolidation must be weighed against the potential benefits and the ability to execute.

Hospital leaders can facilitate improved hospital physician alignment by working to:

  • Ensure the visibility/accessibility of senior management, including the CEO
  • Create a positive organizational culture
  • Focus on communication, openness, trust, and respect
  • Create opportunities for physician leadership development
  • Allow for substantive physician involvement in decision making
  • Provide integrated information systems
  • Insist on high-quality and safe patient care
  • Support physician practice growth
  • Support infrastructure improvements that increase efficiency/accessibility of care
  • Explore multiple strategies for alignment of economic interests

Despite the many differences and conflicts between clinicians and hospitals, coming up with a common wish list isn’t difficult. Both hospitals and clinicians want:

  • A continuum of care
  • Lower malpractice insurance premiums
  • Financial rewards
  • Integrated technology
  • Quality and safety
  • Recognition
  • Cost containment
  • Consistent regulation
  • Educated consumers