
Sample – Corporate Data Damage Policy

January 27, 2013


Corporate & Company uses access controls and other security measures to protect the:

  • Confidentiality,
  • Integrity,
  • Availability

Impacting information handled by their computers and communications systems. In keeping with these objectives, management maintains the authority to:

  1. Restrict or revoke any user’s privileges,
  2. Inspect, copy, remove, or otherwise alter any data, program, or other system resource that may undermine these objectives, and
  3. Take any other steps deemed necessary to manage and protect its information systems. This authority may be exercised with or without notice to the involved users. Corporate & Company disclaims any responsibility for loss or damage to data or software that results from its efforts to meet these security objectives.


This policy defines the privileges systems administrators have as delegates of management. Rather legalistic in nature, it notifies users that they cannot hold Corporate & Company liable for damages associated with management’s attempts to secure its system. For example, if a systems administrator was performing a routine virus scan of all PCs on a LAN, he may detect what appears to be a virus. He may then run a program which alters the program which appears to be affected. If the involved user later determines that this very valuable program is inoperative as a result, he cannot hold management responsible for damaging the program. Thus, in an indirect way, this policy


Information pertaining to acceptable physical and technical safeguards is available from your unit security or information technology organizations.  The Global Security and Corporate Information Systems Computer Security organizations have additional information.
