
Business Requirements for Network Performance

October 4, 2010

Look for a complete picture of the network performance across both the WAN and the LAN regardless of network technology

• Measure and verify key service level parameters including latency, availability, packet loss and jitter from an independent, third party point of view.

• Monitor key performance indicators including physical and logical access in addition to end-to-end connections across every location in the enterprise.

• Reduce the number of trouble tickets opened to the service provider by quickly isolating the cause of network issues between the provider and the enterprise.

• Enable successful deployments of layer 3-based MPLS networks by monitoring any-to-any IP-based connections.

• Leverage the key features of class of service prioritization by ensuring applications are tagged correctly and not exceeding carrier thresholds which can negatively impact network and application performance.

• Correlate all of the network and application performance to understand the impact of the network on the applications and application’s impact on the network with a single system.

• Determine VoIP readiness by generating actual VoIP calls to test network readiness and baseline quality – both before and after deployment.

• Understand how a VoIP deployment will impact your existing data network.

• Draw on combined network, application, and VoIP-specific analytics to see how data traffic is affecting call quality, and how VoIP traffic is affecting data quality.

• Anticipate and measure the impact of VoIP deployment on call quality by using synthetic calls during pre-deployment and assessment to establish the Mean Option Score (MOS) and R-factor post-deployment. Use real calls post-deployment and service turn-up – then compare MOS and R-factor scores to establish the impact of deployment.

• Measure service level parameters across a distributed network by analyzing the performance of both simulated and actual calls at each site – with detailed measurement such as jitter, dropped packets and latency.

• Quickly pinpoint VoIP call quality impairments with a clear picture of what is causing any degradation – with detailed views that show how jitter, codec loss, packet loss and delay are impacting performance on a per-site basis.

• Detailed reports on current VoIP trends on every circuit on your network – including MOS distribution by hour per site, sites with the most or worst VoIP calls, and overall VoIP performance.