business , information-rights-management , security

Identity Management Solution Components

March 27, 2010

Different administration tools and operative components which support the identity management were developed completely independent to each other.

Therefore the originated systems offer a high functional overlapping. You are not able to arrange them to a complete identity management infrastructure without any troubles.
The most important solution components for identity management are:

· Directory services

The core element of identity management infrastructure as identity stores.

· Meta-directory services

They are integrated components which readout digital identities from directories and other information sources, consolidate them and put them into a target directory.

· Virtual directory services

They are lightweight alternative to meta-directory services to consolidate different directories.

· Public key infrastructure components
· Tools if strong authentications are required.
· Single sign-on tools

They provide workarounds for password forwarding so that a user has to make his login only one time to get access to all systems which are activated for his profile.

· User provisioning systems / role based access control.

They automate processes for the application, the allocation and the removal of authentications. Furthermore they provide report functions for the authentication status to secure the revision.
Federated identity management
Because of economical interactions between partners, working processes do not end at the company border. Comprehensive relationships are executed online and with direct electronic communications already. Consequentially the companies create digital identities like employees, customers or partners with their own roles and authorizations. Certainly they want to use them for company comprehensive processes.

Federated identity management describes the possibility to integrate different identity management systems with each other in that way that users only have to login once at one of the involved system. Afterwards they will be also identified against the other systems and have automatically access to IT resources according to their authorizations. Most companies already have today their own sub structures and departments which are locally separated. But the identities have to be valid companywide. The interaction has to be easy and flexible. Therefore the alternating approval of identities of autonomous independent divisions is necessary. These identities are often called federated identities.