application , security , web-services

Basic SQL Parameters

October 10, 2009

Memory, max size in 2 kb units available to SQL

User connections, max number of worker threads that are available for SQL server process, default is 255.

Max Worker Threads, the number of worker threads that are available for SQL server processes. Default is 255.

SMP concurrency, controls the number of threads SQL server will release to NT for execution

Hash buckets, number of buckets for hashing paged to buffers in memory.

Max Async 10, the number of outstanding asynchronous i/o’s that can be issued.

Max Lazywrite io, tunes the priority of batched asynchronous i/o’s that can be issued or comparable to max async io, but specified to the lazywriter.

Free buffers, determines the threshold of free buffers available to the system.

Procedure Cache, percentage of memory allocated to the procedure cache after SQL server memory needs are met.

TempDB in Ram, size of the tempDB database in RAM.  The value 0 causes  TempDB to reside on a disk device: the default is master.